We told Ishu he was going to be a big brother back in January.
His understanding of what that meant was really different back then compared to what it is now. He was not yet 3. I was not yet growing in my belly area.
So I don’t think he fully grasped the concept of a little sibling.
He came with us to our first ultrasound appointment.
My OBGYN, also Indian, wrote a little note for Ishu on the ultrasound.
“Hi Bhaiya! Love, Cashew.” (Bhaiya means ‘big brother’ in Hindi).
We called the baby “Cashew” at the time because the app had a picture of a kidney bean to indicate the size of the fetus and Ishu was convinced it was a cashew.
When we talked about it more when we got home, we told him the baby was still growing in mama’s belly. That they would take a long time to grow and they wouldn’t come outta mama’s belly ’til the summer time.
Of course, my 2-year old then didn’t know what “summer time” meant, so I thought I’d add in, “Like when the snow goes away and it’s sunny outside!”
Fast forward a couple weeks and we’re in February.
Some random sunny day in February where he stumbles outta the room after a nap, looks out the window and sees that it isn’t snowing.
No snow. And sunshine.
And without anyone bringing up baby, he points outside with his eyes wide open.
It was one of those moments I am going to hold in my memory forever.
His excitement for a little sibling was so real. Even if he didn’t quite understand (and probably still doesn’t entirely!) what it all means. The fact that he had that running around in his little brain – with no prompting for us – made me feel so excited for this little baby to actually make an appearance so I could watch the excitement grow and grow.
Of course, as Ishu continued to grow and develop, it became easier to explain things to him. Most recently, we explained that the baby will be here in August. And any time someone says the word, “August,” he responds, “August? August is when my baby comes!”
“My baby.”
Oh, my heart. I’m pretty darn excited for this first baby to meet his baby.
I second Sadi Dadi Nani’s feelings. We The Malik Clan should be all in our own village raising JAVA KIM and baby cashew!!!!! You sure a darn smart ISHU. Can’t wait to see this baby welcoming his baby!!!! Blissful Blessings!!!!!