I know that technology is all the rage right now. EdTech this. BYOD that. (In case you don’t know what that mean, it’s “Bring Your Own Device.” Ugh. Don’t we have ENOUGH acronyms in education already?!) Well, here are three reasons why technology sucks.
1) It’s not the jam because it JAMS. Dealing with the copy machine takes up at LEAST 80% of my prep time.
What Others Ask: “Oh, why don’t you have individual copies for each student so that they can better access your lesson?”
What I Want To Say: “Oh, why don’t you go tackle the MONSTER that is the copy machine? Oh, you can’t? You have to wait in line behind 10 other teachers? Or pound out 75 copies of something that you need in approximately 45 seconds? Good luck.”
The copy machine is probably the #1 thing that would drive me out of this profession.
2) When something breaks, so does your classroom management. Along with your mental sanity.
What you Think: Oh, the projector doesn’t work? Take a few minutes to fix that up. While your kids wait patiently as you fiddle with all the wires.
What Actually Happens: Oh, the projector doesn’t work? Take a few seconds to fix that up. While your kids lose patience and start rolling around the carpet, doing headstands, touching each other, and World War III suddenly breaks out in your classroom. Oh, and the projector still doesn’t work.
3) iPads and Online Learning Programs are just way more engaging and more colorful than your teacher.
I listen to One Direction. I can do somersaults and cartwheels. I can dance on tables. But, somehow, the Boring Square will always win. Despite the fact that the moral of that music video is that you should get plastic surgery done and chop up parts of your body if you are unhappy with it. Horrible.
This is what my parents must have felt like when pagers and Nokia Snake phones were all the rage.
I feel old.
This post was inspired by my Starbucks phone app refusing to reload money today when I had already ordered my drinks. Resulting in Amanda having to come save the day so she could bring me 63 cents to pay off the barista. Technology ruins everything.
Question of the Day:
- Are you a technology lover or do you resist it as much as possible?
BYOD is a terrible idea on so many levels- economic inequality, liability issues and honestly kids are so damn distracted by devices. As a MS math teacher there was no need for a device
Harmony, Momma To Go recently posted…Stuff I Love: October 2016
I am a technology slave! Until I started blogging I admit I made fun of people who were addicted and now I am hopelessly attached to my laptop in a really unhealthy way lol. It is a real fear though that all of our info is stored this way and what if everything went down you know?
heidi recently posted…Beat Holiday Stress With These Three Tips
Technology has its pros and cons, of course, but I think we learned better without all those things in school. The reason I learned English so well is because I went to the local library and got all the Shakespeare stuff I could find, not because someone downloaded a program somewhere to check out while simultaneously chatting with friends on facebook and taking selfies… Sigh, it’s difficult having to compete with technology.
I love some tech but not everything….I don’t like or own a cellphone. But a good GPS is pretty epic!
I love tech but I like to joke that “It’s great when it works.” It basically sums up my feelings on the subject lol
Kaley recently posted…What I Loved About My Bridal Shower
Technology is great when it works. However, when it doesn’t, that a different story.
Tasheena @ SimplyTasheena.com recently posted…8 Super Bowl Recipes That Your Guest Will Love
I love technology, but yes it can be frustrating at time. When it is working tho, it can save you alot of time.
Keoshia recently posted…How To Winter Whites
Ah! It can be so frustrating yet so helpful too! Most of my students have their own laptops which can be great but it means I’m forever on watch fir secret screens they hide the second I come close. In the other hand I love technology like right now I’m moored off a boat off the coast and writing this message on my phone… that’s when it comes in handy 😉
I hear you, I hate when something isn’t working. My printer doesn’t like to connect sometimes and it can get frustrating. I curse. A lot. I do love my technology, but only when it’s working smoothly.
Amber Myers recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay
I feel the same way about technology sometimes especially when I need copies and my copier is taking forever to even warm up.
Technology is great when it works! I use to go in and spend one whole day volunteering to make copies for the teachers. I made tons of copies for classes that week. The teachers were very appreciative of my help every week.
candy recently posted…Blogging Grandmothers Link party #9
hahaha I totally get frustrated with technology too! When someothing doesnt work I get stupid impatient!
I love technology. Last fall they switched my classroom mid-term to one I’d never taught in before. Everything was configured differently (and most wrong) and I had to fight just to get my Powerpoint to run.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…DVD REVIEW – Snoopy Tales
Blogging really changed the way I view technology and social media. I used to avoid it, but now I find myself in it more and more. I’ve learned to have boundaries and work within parameters I’m comfy with. I hope the copy machine gets better for you and the other teachers 😎
Mah recently posted…Civil Rights Icon, Dorothy Height, honored with Forever Stamp
I teach technology, but I’m not a big fan of it. I was without a smart board, a projector, a computer, and a printer the first week of my teaching career. I learned to improvise and to let on that things weren’t going as planned. I think there’s a place for tech in the classroom, and I think it’s necessary to expose students to because of how prevalent it is, but I don’t think it should be the guiding force in our teaching.
Abby @ WinsteadWandering recently posted…Triple Chocolate Frosted Brownies
I second the comments that technology is great when it works. As a teacher, it’s SO frustrating spending so much prep time on malfunctioning technology.
Rose recently posted…Freelance Writing 101: Where to Write In Between Jobs
“Why does it say paper jam when they’re IS no paper jam?” Please tell me you’ve seem Office Space. If not, rent it today!
I love the Marley pic, ha!
For the record, I hate technology so all of these things would drive me bonkers, too.
Charlotte recently posted…What to pack for an all-inclusive vacation
Aw I’m sorry you’re having a not so nice day! Boo Starbucks app. I think I have a love-hate relationship with technology. And wow, thanks for the memories – so many hours spent on that Nokia snake game with my I’m-so-cool Nokia 3210!
The points you made are accurate. But as technology continues to advance, hopefully these issues will disappear. And IT will make it all better.
Love this! I love technology when it work but it doesn’t work so much and I just there staring at it and looking clueless. Nikki x
Nikki recently posted…Harbin Ice and Snow Festival
I agree partially with you as there are days I dislike technology. However, there are days when I say YES because I no longer have to stand up to change the channel.
Oh this is so funny! Especially the end where you explain the starbucks stuff. Where I work, our computers are suhhhhlowwwww. And forget if you have to do anything like open a word document, creat a new email, or load any webpage with flashplayer. And it’s an advanced tech building! No excuse!
I’m a freelance writer/blogger, so it’s part of my job to be online all day. I have my moments of hating technology, though, most definitely!!
Melissa Blake recently posted…Tuesday Tunes: Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”
I love my technology, but only when it’s working ok also I love to spend time out of technology world!
Ance recently posted…Elie Saab Spring 2017 Couture Collection
I totally feel ya! Especially with the printer! I hate it when it stops working the moment you actually need it to work. I also LOL’d with the Starbucks story cause that just happened to my boss the other day and I ended up paying for him cause he was holding up the line trying to reload money on his app. Technology does suck sometimes!
I never hate technology. I mean, the moment I embraced it, I become a more different person, more open-minded, learned to have more patience, more flexible and resources. Technology doesn’t give negative effects that is if someone uses it mismanage and misuse it. Technology is human-made, so also human can responsible to its effects.
Yep, it’s a tool like any other. A hammer can be used to kill a person, or to build a house. It’s all in how we wield it. That said, I think tech is over-used, especially for children. They’re better off spending a few hours outside in self-directed play.
Carrie Willard recently posted…Frugal Natural Beauty: making the most of your natural beauty
lol lol lol thankfully i am not having to deal with students but trust me, when copier breaks it is a very similar scenario in the hospital too.
dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Easy Pots de Creme (vegan)
I love/hate technology. When I need something done, electronics pick that time to not work, and fixing it takes up my time- which no other work is being done. ha .
Melanie Burbage recently posted…Enjoy National Fettuccine Alfredo Day with Bacon Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
The copier be jammin’…. hahahah! I have the same issues with my printer. Always having to restart it, ugh!
I think technology has made a huge change in our way of living where we just need to take the ones that are good and move on. We are surely going to have the odd days where we are going to hate it too!
Technology is always growing and I completely agree that each generation is astonished to learn that they are behind the times! My kiddos are seriously better at using our tablets and game stations way better than I am!
Jessica A Harlow recently posted…Enter to win $100 PayPal or an Amazon Gift Card!
I don’t know much about kids but as an adult, I feel that we all have become slaves of the advancements in technologies. For instance, life without smartphones is impossible these days if you’re addicted of virtual world.
Ana recently posted…Universal Mardi Gras 2017 | Get Ready For Florida’s Biggest Party
Technology is continually developing and I totally concur that every age is shocked to discover that they are out of date!