This image has been circulating the Internet all weekend. I don’t know the original source, but it’s been popping up all over my Facebook and Twitter feed and it’s had me thinking about a lot of things in light of the incident in Charlottesville.
To quote one of my favorite authors, “Babies are such blank slates. They don’t come into this world with the assumptions their parents have made, or the promises their church will give, or the ability to sort people into groups they like and don’t like. They don’t come into this world with anything, really, except a need for comfort. And they will take it from anyone, without judging the giver. I wonder how long it takes before the polish given by nature gets worn off by nurture.”
Racism Today in America
This picture is exactly why racism still exists today. Because of all the bullshit that gets funneled into the minds of our children when they’re too young to know any better.
This child doesn’t know what the fuck he is wearing. He doesn’t even recognize the skin colors around him. This kid has no idea HOW to hate. In this very moment, all he can think about is how captivating that piece of police equipment is. He was probably so fascinated by his reflection. Or so curious as to why there was a solid object standing in front of him, yet he could still see right through it.
Everything this child is – in this very moment – is so pure and innocent.
Yet he continues to grow up in a community of hate.
And he continues to hear the bullshit that is fed to him. Over and over and over.
And then, some day, he’s old enough to understand. But, at this point, the entitlement and white supremacist mentality is so deeply engrained, it’s an involuntary reflex. At this point, he’s so fucked up and brainwashed and chanting, “Blood and soil,” because he genuinely believes that he is a superior race.
Why wouldn’t he?
He was brought up to believe he was.
This really hits me hard. And not just because I’m a minority woman living in America.
And not just because I’m a brown girl living in a very white community in rural Tennessee where Confederate flags are waving high and waving proudly all along these country roads.
I’m saying this from the perspective of a teacher. A teacher who can see the impact our words and our actions have on our children. They are like sponges. They soak up everything that we do and say and they try to emulate our every action (or inaction).
When you are raising a child – whether you be a parent, a teacher, an older sibling, or family friend – you have an obligation to be a positive role model. You have an opportunity to pass down love. Love for all mankind.
There may be a lot of spiteful, hateful people in the world. But it kills me inside when I see that hate being passed on to our future generation.
How do we end this?
When will it stop?
This is so infuriating, and so sad.
Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy recently posted…Growing Roots Review {August 2017}
I still can’t process all that I saw from this weekend. The level of hate in this country is sickening and terrible. As a parent I have a huge responsibility to teach my son acceptance of EVERYONE. And you bet I’m up to the task. He will only know love. It is the only way.
Beth recently posted…Day Out with Thomas
I don’t know when it will stop or how we can make it go away. I haven’t seen this image before but it’s a very powerful one. You’re right. Kids are innocent and pure and they dissolve what’s happening around them. I feel like it sounds so naive to say that we can combat hate with love because I’m just not sure that’s always the answer but ugh…I dunno. This weekend–it makes the heart hurt, doesn’t it?
Charlotte recently posted…Healing crystal inspired activewear—review and giveaway
We need to do better. We have to do better. I’m at a loss for words. Praying and hoping my son will know a better world than we do today. Thank you for writing and sharing.
This weekend has left me speechless in so many ways. Being an immigrant myself, I recognize how “flawlessly” I blend it with the white people in this country. I am rarely considered an immigrant/outsider and why? Because my skin is white.
It’s utterly ridiculous to think that I have more ‘protection’ in this country than people that were born here.
This must end. We must teach love and compassion and work really hard on those around us, who have been brought up thinking they’re better than other people.
My heart is so broken not just by what happened this weekend, but the fact that people can be so blind to see that diversity is such a beautiful and lovely thing! I have to remind myself every day that LOVE will win and what I can do is continue share and spread my love with others.
Katie recently posted…5 Things I’m Loving Lately
I had not seen this picture, but it is heartbreaking. This weekends incidents have been devastating. You are right though that we are all born a clean slate and we need to teach our children love and compassion.
This image is so shocking and sad. You are so bang on when you talk about a child’s innocence. How this kind of hatred even exists in 2017 is beyond anything I can fathom. Thanks for writing about this. I’m sharing everywhere to spread your message.
I cringe every time I see this photo popping up. You are very right about kiddos being blank slates & sponges. I hope the day comes sooner than later that people forget what hate is. Such a sad time right now. Been thinking of all of those in Charlottesville this weekend (and beyond). Thanks for your important post.
Patricia @ Grab a Plate recently posted…Mini Funfetti Scones
Oh wow, I did not see this image. How heartbreaking that someone would dress their child like this. I was horrified by what happened over the weekend. Sadly, I wasn’t shocked. It’s awful though and I wish this hate would stop. I don’t see why it’s so difficult to just live your life – and understand that nobody is better or lesser than you because of things like race.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Dirty Deeds by HelenKay Dimon + Two Giveaways
I saw this photo too and it broke my heart. I’m still frustrated, sad, and horrified about what happened in Charlottesville.
Emily recently posted…Currently List
Wow – this photo breaks my heart. They are shrouding their innocent child in hate. A couple of years ago when they took down the Confederate flag in SC, people in our community hoisted their confederate flags on poles in the back of their trucks and would rally in a grocery store parking lot every night. People are so divided, ignorant, and full of pride.
I definitely feel you. I was raised in suburbia only 30 minutes away from KKK land. I’m now in a more metro area. Honestly I’m an optimist however also a realist. When will racism cease to exist? When the Savior returns. But really though…with the history and foundation of America based in genocide of the Native Indians and also the enslavement of Africans dating back 400 years…it won’t stop any time soon. Have we made strides? Yes. However so much further to go. The long centuries of oppression far exceed the fed decades of “freedom” by law. Just as you pointed out how we are raised and conditioned in the homes and in society is so much more impactful and long lasting. Racisim and prejudice is taught. We aren’t born hating another person. It’s a behavior that is taught. What can people do? Educate yourself. So much of what is taught in schools and society is skewed and only part truth. People need to get back to reading books , watching documentaries and learning about all history, not one sided ignorance. Much of the hatred and bigotry is formed out of fear and pure ignorance. It’s maddening at the same time pitiful. Stay prayed up…in these times we need it.
Kamira Gayle recently posted…Flashback Friday-Look at Little Dusty!
Im trying to teach my daughter you have to look at each individual as an individual it doesn’t matter what color of skin hair or sex they are. That’s the only way i can think to get rid of racismdo it on a person by person level.
Wow, what a powerful picture. And as a mom, so, so heartbreaking. Excellent piece.
I hadn’t seen this image yet and it is CAPTIVATING. You hit on the fears of many in this piece. Teaching love is the only way.
Kudos Dear Divya. Loved reading the way you presented your thoughts.
Also your followers’ responses were amazing.
Love you dear bitiya. xoxo
I haven’t seen that photo before. It’s such a historical moment captured… Terrible moment but historical nonetheless. It’s awful what is happening now, but it’s amazing to see that people are coming together and show that there is still love in this world.