Yes, I’ve fallen off the blogging train (wagon?). But all for good reason. I recently relocated from southern California to NorCal and have been moving into an apartment AND a classroom simultaneously.
Needless to say, my marathon training has also taken a back seat. 🙁 I think it’s been really hard for me to develop a routine here because it’s my first week of teaching and I’m still trying to figure out how to balance work and everything else. I think once I get the hang of my schedule and responsibilities, it will be a lot easier to manage. However, marathon dates don’t change on account of slackers like me, so let’s hope things start falling into place sooner rather than later.
But let’s rewind a bit….I STARTED WORK! I couldn’t be more overwhelmed excited! I technically started over a week ago, but yesterday was the first official day of the school year. And it was wonderful. All those mental preparations, the script I had planned out in my head, the thoughts that were racing through my mind all summer long – those got tossed out the window. It’s hard to explain (well…hard to explain coherently) but when you’re IN THE MOMENT, it’s like your body and your mind and your words just go. They just go. And they do. And things happen. And the day becomes a blur that happens all too fast. And not the way it was planned out. But still perfect in its own way. It’s own special way. My special first day. 🙂

Halfway through clearing out all the junk in my room. This does NOT look as terrible as when I opened up the room for the very first time.

Slowly making a bit of progress…….as the year goes on, the kids will continue adding to the walls to make the classroom their very own.
Sometimes work takes over other ambitions. Don’t feel to bad you can always enter a new marathon later in life.