Good morning!
I’m currently watching my child tackle his foil-covered sandwich for breakfast right now.
We packed a sandwich for Ankur before he left for the office and wrapped it in foil. And, of course, when I asked Ishu what he wanted for breakfast, he said, “A sandwich like Papa.”
Sure, turkey sandwich for breakfast?
No problem.
And then I plated it (on his favorite color plate, mind you). And he was FURIOUS because it was not wrapped in foil like papa’s.
So, my friends.
Sometimes you tell your kids to suck it up. And sometimes you sigh really loudly and then cover their sandwich in some damn tinfoil.
Today is a day for the latter.
I already made him upset because I stupidly opened up the package of Valentines in front of his face and then tried to say, “No, you can’t play with these. These are for the kids in your class for the party next week.”
He started the morning screaming and crying and shouting, “NO IT *IS* VALENTINES DAY TODAY!!!”
So, aluminum foil? Sure, you can have all the foil your heart desires, kid.
Now I’m going to hurry and get myself ready so once this sandwich is done, I can start layering the little monkey.
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