I’m bringing these confessions posts back!
This was always one of my favorite posts to write because it’s always fun to find humor in the silly things I do.
Though, it’ll probably look a little different now as a mama. A little less wine, a little more baby toys. But confessions, nonetheless.
Here we go!
Confession #1
A few days ago, I went to Sprouts and bought some of that organic, no sugar added PB. The baby hasn’t had any peanut butter and it was about time to try to see if he’d like it/if he had any allergic reactions to it. Ankur has been working so much and I didn’t want to do this while I was home alone with the baby. But since Ankur had the day off on Saturday, we figured we’d go ahead and try it then.
While at Sprouts, I saw these peanut butter puffs that Jen used to give her little ones. I remember trying them way back when and they were exactly what they sound like. Puffs that taste like peanut butter that melt in your mouth. Delicious, am I right?
I picked up two bags to have on hand when we go for walks or go to the park. Anyway, if you read this weekend’s post, you know that the baby ended up having a mild allergic reaction to PB. Which means Mama has been snacking on these puffs. Baby food is Mama’s fav.
I mean, if anything, I’m a hero for getting rid of these before they cause any harm, y’know?
Confession #2
Speaking of baby food and Sprouts, I also picked up some chicken salad while I was at Sprouts. I thought I’d be a civilized person and take it home and make a sandwich with it.
But, by the time I got back in the car, my tummy was growling. I reached for the chicken salad and realized I didn’t have a utensil to eat it with.
Luckily, I found a packet of baby teething crackers and went. to. town. on that chicken salad.
Confession #3
A few posts back, I talked about how I deleted social media from my phone. Which is true.
Well, back in January, I upgraded my phone. So my new phone does NOT have social media. My old phone, however, does.
I was supposed to send back my old phone to get some money back. But the box I am supposed to send it in is at my parent’s house and I haven’t been back there.
So, NOW, I have both phones and am very much still scrolling through all the social media apps. UGH. Dangerous loopholes.
I liked myself better when I was reading my Kindle instead of scrolling through apps. Maybe it’s time to let the old phone officially die and sit in my drawer until I can send it back.
That’s all for now.
I’ve got a zillion more confessions, but the little guy is stirring and I want to get one more cup of coffee in before he wakes up!
Have a beautiful day!
Questions of the Day:
- How do you monitor your social media usage?
- Have you eaten baby food? BE HONEST.
I have eaten baby food before. LOL They have some good stuff sometimes.
I’m glad I have the Kindle Paperwhite so when I’m reading on there, I can’t use social media or really do anything BUT read.
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