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I wish you knew what it is like to be a teacher.
To wake up every morning and frantically throw your things together. Just so you can make it to school before the student that gets dropped off a little too early.
To set your coffee tumbler down when you walk into the room at 7AM. And then find it – untouched – at 10AM after you drop your students off at recess.
To go from 0 to 60 – with no opportunity to “ease into your day” – because your day starts before you put your bags down.
I wish you knew what it is like to be a teacher.
To put your bladder on a tight schedule.
To train your body and your mind to know exactly how much water and/or coffee you can drink. So you are able to wait until your lunch period to relieve yourself.
To be forced to inhale your lunch in five minutes so you can use the remaining 20 minutes to make copies and get ready for the lesson after lunch.
Related Article: Hey Teachers – You Deserve It!
I wish you knew what it is like to be a teacher.
To constantly be “ON” and alert and energized. Because you’re not just sitting behind a computer screen. You’re sitting in front of 30 children who need your guidance, support, instruction, and love.
To wake up in sweats because you forgot to make enough copies and you know you’ll have to get to school earlier to battle the copier at 6:45AM.
I wish you knew what it is like to be a teacher.
To pay your rent, pay off your bills, and then spend the rest of your paycheck on your classroom and your students.
To feel obligated to come into work – even on days when you feel like crap. Because making sub plans would require a few hours and energy you probably don’t have.
To long for a social life but realistically spend a few hours every evening planning for the following day, grading assignments, or preparing materials.
Related: Inspirational Books for Teachers
I wish you knew what it is like to be a teacher.
I’ve spent the past few weeks working in an office. And, while it comes with a variety of challenges, deadlines, and expectations, there’s a different vibe. Sure, there’s a level of urgency to get things done. But I’m also grateful that I can pee when I want to, eat lunch when I want to, and casually walk down the hallway to talk to a co-worker about her weekend.
I’m not tied to a bell schedule. And if my brain still feels foggy at 8AM, I just run over to the staff room to make myself a cup of coffee.
It’s an entirely different feeling that I’m still getting used to. But it makes me appreciate the work that my fellow educators do on the daily.
I wish everyone knew what it was like to be a teacher.
Because it is damn well one of the hardest jobs there ever was.
Thank you to teachers – all over the world – for doing what you do. This is your Monday morning reminder that you are amazing and can handle absolutely anything.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you know a teacher? Did you hug them today?
Great post. In grade school, I wanted to be a second-grade teacher. Now, I’m a dog trainer and teach adults how to teach their dogs. 😉 Thanks for what you do.
My great aunts were all teachers. Their dedication to their work was their utmost priority that they never married. They always said, “teaching is the most noble profession.” I have the highest respect for everyone in this profession who give more to their students than they give themselves.
Teachers are awesome, and it’s a much needed job! My husband is a teacher, but he teaches adults, so it’s not nearly the same as teaching little ones!
Rachel G recently posted…15 Things to Eat and Drink in Malaysia
I have nothing but mad respect for teachers. I worked with youth for two years right out of college and it was two of the most challenging years of my life. I am not cut out for it, but I’m so thankful for people who are. As a parent I do as much as I can to support my son’s teachers. They are true heroes!
Beth recently posted…Stress Busters
girl. i was there. I just recently left the classroom because I had my son, then grad school, then pregnant with my 3rd son! I don’t know if I’m going to go back into the classroom — there are times I miss it and times I don’t. But I found that A LOT of my teaching mannerisms didn’t go away (like waking up early and being INCREDIBLY organized and color coding everything or saying “oh no son, WE don’t do THAT in THIS house…”) LOL it’s bittersweet, but its good to take a break.
justine recently posted…Getting Kids a Passport
Yes! I have to catch myself when I start using the “teacher voice” on my husband. Hahah.
A wonderful tribute to teachers everywhere. I am in awe of you guys, you do the most amazing job.
I know a lot of teachers and they are absolutely amazing 😉 but I know one teacher who holds a special place in my heart and that is you ❤️ Sending you a million hugs from far away
This made me teary-eyed. Miss you so much! I love keeping up with Sky and all her brilliance through Facebook and text 🙂
It’s been 7 years since I said goodbye to my students and the classroom. Teaching might be a rewarding job, but it’s one of the hardest jobs, and people don’t realize that. Thank you for what you do Div. I’m glad you’re getting a break from the classroom. You deserve it.
Sending so many hugs. Xo
Teachers are underpaid and under appreciated. That is for sure my dear. I could never do it but admire those who do.
My Poppa was a teacher, but that doesn’t come close to knowing and understanding all you do. It amazes me how little teachers are appreciated. It bows my mind that at my daughters school kids regularly don’t bring in snack on their snack day (and yes, their parents can afford it) and her teacher has to provide one. It amazes me how so many parents can undervalue and under appreciate someone who is so integral to their children’s lives. I know your not teaching right now, but thank you for being a teacher, no matter how many times you were told thank you, I doubt it was often enough.
My son starts his day at 7:00 and some days doesn’t leave until 5 or 6. Long busy on the go days.
Candy recently posted…Brownie Master Mix
I’m sure he takes all his SpED-specific paperwork home with him to work on also 🙂
I have a huge appreciation for educators! I work in the mental health field with youth and adolescents suffering from extreme issues. This only scratches the surface! Wonderfully written post!
I do know some people that are teachers – and I definitely don’t envy them their job. I can’t imagine being “on” all the time and being tied to such a strict schedule. At the same time, I think it’s great that they are doing this job – especially the ones that truly love it and helping children. I think all teachers should get paid WAY more than they do.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…The Dead Inside by Cyndy Etler (+ Giveaway)
It’s true. You gotta really love it to stick with it. Definitely in it for the outcome and not the income! 😉
So true!! No lunch, no break, no down time, no peace of mind. Stress beyond comparison. So much love and pride for your students, but some days even that is not enough.
Jessica Bradshaw recently posted…Chocolate Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats
I have unbelievable amounts of respect for teachers–not only for the sacrifices I know they make every day but also for spending so much crucial time molding minds and being a safe place for their students <3
Also I totes want to get you one of those coffee tumblers that keeps your beverage warm all day (when you go back, of course!). 🙂 xoxo
Hope you are adjusting to the new work setting!
Charlotte recently posted…April Goals
Oh my gosh, yes. I got a Yeti earlier this year as a gift from my cousin and I cannot even begin to explain how much it changed my life. Hot coffee staying hot for HOURS!
my father was a school superintendent, and my mother taught high school english. there’s a whole world of bureaucracy that one tells you about if you’re an education major. i had some idea of it, which is one of a handful of reasons i chose to change my major to english.
jenn recently posted…thirteen reasons why
Thank you for this! You hit so much about being a teacher right on the head. This is my 9th year teaching and the bladder schedule, starting the day before you even put your stuff down, and battling the copier never gets easier. Though it certainly does keep our days interesting! Never a dull moment!
Brooke recently posted…Baby Must Haves: Beach Vacation
It’s true 🙂 That’s one advantage. There’s not a single day where I felt the day was dragging and I was just waiting until the end of the day. There’s always something going on!
This is what I needed today. I’ve just cut both my lunch time and plan time in half so that I can work with two more intervention groups until the end of the school year, because, if I don’t, no one will. And it’s hard that I can’t just push something aside, or even just take lunch after that and stay half an hour later. It’s absolutely worth it, but it’s hard! I am jealous of my husband’s free will in an office – but I also love being a teacher! Thanks for this ode to wonderful teachers everywhere!!
Sounds like you really love what you do 🙂 And you prioritize the children over your self. While I want to tell you that you should try to “balance,” I also know that urgency you feel to give the kids what they need. I love working with teachers like you 🙂 Makes me feel hopeful.
Mad props to all the teachers out there! I lose my patience and struggle with making it through some days with just my twins. I can’t imagine doing it with 20+ kids 5 days a week 9 months out of the year!
Dang Girl! So well stated. I never really thought about what it was like to be a teacher until I read this. I have many friends that are teachers and love it! I will remember to be extra kind to them for all they do!
I taught for many years and I love how you wrote about the reality of teaching. It is wonderful, but it is not easy.
Oh my gosh! I know this is probably horrible, but even though my hubby is a teacher, I have never thought about teachers not getting to go to the bathroom very often or having to hold it! I wouldn’t make it!
Kristin Cook recently posted…How to Help Your Friend Who’s Grieving
I thought I wanted to be a professor once. I even went through the whole interview process (it’s for college students though) and at the very last stage, when the dean asked me, are you sure you’re up to this? Otherwise the students will eat you alive…I knew my heart was not in it. Teaching is such a special calling and vocation. And a great teacher stays with you long after you left school!
So true. A lot of things I model in my own teaching behaviors are things I’ve picked up on from my former high school teachers.
Such a thankless job but so amazing! I sometimes wish I had stuck with it.
Thank you, teachers! It is such a tough job, so many members of my family teach and they do not just have holidays and early evenings! It’s a tough job and only getting tougher. xx
Sophia x
I love the “keeping your bladder on a tight schedule” part! So true! It was even MORE difficult when I was pregnant. I could no longer wait until lunch time and the teacher restrooms were so far away from my classroom that year. Ugh! But I made it through, lol!
Nikki recently posted…Preschool Art + {Lucy Darling}
I always told my friends that I could never be a teacher because I have the smallest bladder known to man. I remember in high school I had to use the restroom between every class and sometimes still have to go during some periods. Power to you and all other teachers! Y’all are amazing!
Caitlyn recently posted…How to Effectively Juggle a Job in College
I have the utmost respect for teachers! There are not enough good ones and you do not get paid enough.
This is really interesting. I never really thought about how busy things could be for teachers behind the scenes. It must take a while to adapt to that lifestyle!
Excellent article and well written! Great perspective!
My mom was a teacher for 12 years. I am convinced they are some of the most under appreciated and most important people in our society. God bless the teachers!
You sound like an amazing teacher! This is such an important post…the teachers that put in this kind of dedication are so incredibly valuable to us and our kids. Thank you for all you do 🙂
I have several friends who are teachers and I am so grateful for them. I have only taught on the college level (and that was insane enough) and I often have stated I do not know how my friends do it. I don’t think you added how teachers have to train their bladders to go to the bathroom. Those of us who do not watch over kids do not realize you can’t just leave a room.
Sheryl recently posted…The Benefits of Taking A Walk
Yes, yes, YES to everything in this post! I totally agree with the needing to hold your bladder, that is my real struggle (because I drink too much tea to get through the day!). Definitely sharing this!
Fi Morrison recently posted…10 Ways Friendship Changes when you Become a New Mum
So true! My morning coffee is both a blessing and a curse!
Thank you for the work you do I definitely know what it’s like to be a teacher. I homeschool my four children ranging from elementary to middle or high school and it’s definitely a challenge trying to educate children in different grades and I know your job is even harder because you have so many students at one time.
Yes! I’m a Special Education teacher so, in most placements, I’ve been the co-teacher or I pull out small groups. That gives me a bit more flexibility in between groups. I am able to run out for a few minutes if I need to. It’s the classroom teacher that I am impressed by!
Amazing post. I am a first grade teacher and could relate to all of this. The bathroom part could not be more true. Oh what it would be like to go any time you want!
Wow – this post just surprised me in a way that I didn’t expect it to. Even though I was in a classroom for the vast majority of my life, I never thought about the logistics of teaching – like not being able to pee! Why the hell is that even an issue that people have to deal with?! You guys do so much that I take for granted in my desk job!
Robin recently posted…Do Soulmates Exist?
My mom is a teacher and I know the feeling. I help her with work a lot and I think teachers are very under appreciated. This was such a lovely read!
Everyone needs a little bit of this insight about the real day to day life of a teacher!
Rose recently posted…Pineapple Mango Coconut Smoothie
Great post! After being out of school for over 10 years now,and finally finished having babies, I’m now starting to try to get into teaching again. I know it’s crazy hours and more work than you get paid, but I love it!
13 years of teaching under my belt and I have no idea how I do not have a permanent catheter for straining my bladder and an Academy Award for my daily on-stage performances. But when you reach that ONE kid, even if it takes all year, it is so worth getting larengitus (again) and wearing Depends someday. 🙂
Brittany Ferrell recently posted…How to Do Preschool at Home with Your Toddler (Bear Theme)
There really is no question that to be a teacher you have to love what you do. I feel so lucky that as a relief teacher I’m not obligated to the additional hours of prep and marking that full-time teachers tirelessly put in. I try to help out as much as I can with extra jobs when I’m at school, but I know it’s still not the same as what the full-time teachers experience. Thanks for reminding us all just how much effort and care our teachers put in to children and young people every day 🙂
Dominique recently posted…How I Knew I Was Pregnant Again
I interned as a teacher for a year. I loved and hated that time of my life. It was all based on the teachers I was working with though. There was one teacher who was absolutely amazing and wanted the best for all of the kids and there were two others I worked with who were absolutely awful. It’s sad when the kiddos just don’t get what they need. But it’s those great teachers who make the world keep spinning.
I know what it’s like to be a teacher! Been doing it for 20 years now.
I know what it is like to motivate the unmotivated, and I know what it feels like when that difficult teen, who had given you a really hard time, and lose your sleep seek you out on the last day of school and ask you to sign her yearbook 🙂
being a teacher is the hardest job! it takes so much energy and planning, people have no clue!! All they see are the school hours and “holidays”.. I think every person should be a teacher for a week, there would be so much more appreciation and funding!!
Good luck getting used to the new work schedule! I have always been super impressed by teachers and their ability to juggle so many things in one day AND still maintain their bladder!
Great post! I come from a family of teachers: mom, dad, sister, aunts– it’s kinda in our blood, lol. I totally understand this post even though I am not a teacher. I’ve spent a lot of time helping my mother grade papers, file papers and enter in grades lol. It is sooooo much work being a teacher!!!
We certainly would like to BOW TO ALL THE TEACHERS OF THE WORLD.
Trying to juggle the social, emotional and academic needs of 15 or more little ones,
and then dealing with endless stacks of paperwork (that often goes home with the teachers). Handling the pressures of the school district…….. pressures of class curriculum…….creating after school activities…… professional development courses…… observation/evaluation of each student …..parent teacher meetings……
I can go on and on…….
once again, BOW TO ALL THE TEACHERS…Amen.
Absolutely amen to all the teachers in the world! They are amazing!
Yep this… all of this. And that when the day is over, we are there until 5, but then still bring stuff home to work on…..
Danielle recently posted…Double Chocolate Banana Muffins {Egg Free}
I know a lot of teachers and it is an amazing thing to teach because you instill so much in the lives of little ones learning and absorbing. Teachers deserve more credit.
I was a teacher and I have been nodding throughout reading this post! I taught secondary school (11-18 year-olds) in England. I left due to incredible stress, heavy workloads, stupid and unattainable government stipulations, and lack of work/life balance. That said, I loved teaching, planning and watching kids engage, learn and grow. It’s a shame there’s not much time for that.
I appreciate our kids’ teachers in school. They have good ones that truly care. Its nice to see from a teacher’s perspective how life is in school.
Alicia recently posted…Get Your Coffee on the Go with the Keurig K55 Coffee Maker
Teachers now have never faced more challenges then right now. Especially at the higher levels,have nothing but respect for the profession.
The bladder issue would be so tough for me! I feel like I have to pee every 20 minutes haha
Sarah althouse recently posted…GUEST POST: 5 Ways to Simplify & Spring Clean Your Finances
Great post! I know a few teachers and they all work so hard and spend much of their summer holidays grading and creating plans for next term’s curriculum.
I used to love giving my teachers gifts in Elementary school. I hope they know I appreciated them!
Being a teacher is heroic! A lot of sacrifices and it takes a lot of patience too 😉 Salute to all teachers!
You’re amazing. I don’t know how teachers can be “on” all day like that for other people’s kids. I can barely keep it together with my own. Thanks for all you do!
Recently, I’ve actually been regretting that I didn’t get a degree in teaching, so this was very insightful!
I worked in an after school program for two years. It was often just me in a room with 20+ 1st graders. That was a LOT! I definitely developed a new respect for teacher—especially those who go beyond their daily duties to really invest in each student. It takes a TON of dedication and energy. Thanks and stay awesome!
On point, girl! I am a kindergarten teacher and let me tell you, today was one of those day…I was just exhausted and tired and did not feel like being “on.” But when that bell rang at 8:00 my room went from peaceful and quiet to instant chaos. It is definitely a hard job and I feel like everyone should have to spend one day in the classroom to really understand what it’s like! Thank you for your post!!
Kindergarten is a whole different ball game! I salute you. You’re amazing!
I truly believe teachers are the most influential people in our children’s lives and I make sure to take care of my daughter’s teacher and help her with any of her requests. Teachers do have it very hard and I commend all teachers for their hard work and dedication to our students, for the sacrifices they make either emotionally, financially and otherwise. I advocate for better benefits for our teachers because it is very necessary. Beautiful post!
maria recently posted…Springtime Transition Inspiration
I really admire teachers and their selflessness. It takes a lot of patience and heart to be able to do it day in and day out.
Marielle Altenor recently posted…Tokyo Treat Unboxing: Father and Son Taste Test Battle
I really enjoyed reading this heartfelt and informative post. Teachers play such a vital role in shaping the lives of their students. It’s a awesome responsibility and teachers deserve our respect and admiration, along with a salary that reflects the demands of the job.
Although there were many days when I went home crying because of the stress, bad students, mean parents, time put in, low pay, etc etc, I MISS teaching something fierce. I can’t wait to get back into the classroom once my babies grow up!
Tayler recently posted…Tater Tot Casserole