Good morning (I say as it’s pitch black outside the window).
My kids are up because they’re allergic to their beds or something.
Ishu’s staying home again today. He woke up with a fever yesterday and I knew he was feeling pretty miserable because all he wanted to do was lay on the couch.
We’ve had plenty of sick days where he gets a cold but his energy level is unaffected.
But yesterday, he looked pretty wiped out.
He’s looking a little better this morning, but we’ll just call it a four-day weekend and, hopefully, by Monday, he’ll feel his normal self.
Anyway, I’m going to go take advantage of all the snuggles he wants right now. But, I’ll sign off with this joke from Ishu:
“Papa, why did the turtle cross the road?”
Ankur: “Why?”
Ishu: “Because his family was turtLOST.”
Ankur: “Did you make that up?“
Ishu: “No, I just thought of it on my own.“
Hahaha. Love you my Ishu. 🤗🤗🤗