I come up with these random themes because, ultimately, I don’t feel like sitting down and writing paragraphs. At the end of the day, my words are jumbled and I’m better off writing in bullet points anyway.
Then why blog, you ask?
Because I want to. I like sitting down at the end of the day, reflecting on the highs and the lows, and remembering all the teeny-tiny details. That’s why I started the blog in the first place. I wanted to remember the little things that would, otherwise, slip my mind.
So, tidbits.
- I woke up at 5:30AM. Opened up my Headspace app to do a little morning meditation. Fell back asleep until 6AM. Realized that morning meditation, while still in my bed, is probably not a good idea.
- Jumped out of bed at 6AM. Ran to the door because I realized it was Tuesday morning, which meant Full Circle delivery!
This week, I got kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, cabbage, Yukon gold potatoes, avocados, oranges, tangelos, pizza dough, and bananas. Threw everything in the fridge and ran off to get ready.
- Rushed to Starbucks and got my first cup of coffee for the day. (Side note: I have been to this particular Starbucks 14 days in a row. Side note #2: They write Sarah on the cup without asking me what my name is. Side Note #3: This is the same Starbucks where I met that wonderful old man back in January 2013. Side Note #4: He was there again this past Sunday. I decided to tell him how I remembered his words so vividly – even though it had been a year since I had last seen him. He told me his name was Ed. He also told me that I made his month by coming to talk to him. Side Note #5: This is officially my favorite Starbucks for that very reason. I love Ed).
- Work, work, work.
- Rushed out of work by 5PM. Starbucks trip #2. This time I got an iced coffee. And a refill. Oops.
- Participated in #LDChat on Twitter. The Topic was IEPs. As I mentioned before, I don’t join Twitter chats as often as I used to. This one, however, seemed like it was right up my alley. We discussed 1) the most important components of an IEP, 2) who should be involved during the process, 3) your child’s IEP broken down, 4) how to relay info to parents without overwhelming them, 5) how to align present levels of performance to their goals.
A lot of people talked about how the IEP was merely a bunch of “legal shit” that they were mandated to do, but nobody at their school/district ever followed through with the accommodations or even took one glance at the document after the meeting! I’ve seen this happen far too often. That is why I’m so grateful to work for a network like Rocketship Education. Where the student’s goals are aligned with their areas of need. Where their accommodations are aligned with their areas of need. Where their services are aligned with their areas of need. Where the IEP is broken down – chunk by chunk – to parents. Despite language barriers. Where we don’t shove graphs into family’s faces and say, “This is what’s wrong with your child.” We collaborate. We connect.
It’s really difficult to be successful and effective with students when your school or district does not share the same vision of special education as you do. It’s not impossible. But it’s just really difficult. - Went to the gym. Naturally. I was hyped up on all sorts of caffeine.
I also ordered this new gym bag from Gaiam and I LOVE it. It’s so spacious. And CUTE.
- Drove home but couldn’t find parking after driving around for 5 minutes. So, I decided to drive to the froyo place down the street. Obviously.
- Came home and opened up a package containing THIS. Pretty sure this will be used within the next 10 minutes. I’m a sucker for anything stress-relief-y, lavender-y, or eucalyptus-y.
- Threw together a salad for tomorrow’s lunch, wrote ALL THE TIDBITS, and now going to shower and face-plant into my bed.
Favorite scent?
Favorite weekly Twitter chat?
Fav fro-yo toppings?
BA HA HA HA! When all else fails, GO GET FRO-YO! But hey, you just got a delicious BOX OF veggies, so that justifies your fro-yo treat 🙂
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted…You’ll Frittata Over This Heart-y Dish!
ooh that is my FAVVVVE bag too.
and it always makes me smile how not pricey it was as well.
Carla recently posted…Jews eating eggs in a ham basket.
Fro yo is always a solution:)
Appreciate this post. Will try it out.
The Amazing Spider Man 2 apk recently posted…The Amazing Spider Man 2 apk
Hi Jmg, If you use captive ritnume with an AIR application it bundles the AIR ritnume within that application package. The bundled ritnumes are independent of other applications, and each Application will need to have the ritnume bundled with it separately. Each of your 4 applications will need to have the ritnume embedded within it, which will get uninstalled if the user uninstalls the application. If one application has the bundled ritnume, it can not be used to run other AIR applications on the device. I hope this helps!