I once took this video of Ishu as a 6-7 month old where I presented him with two different options. One being a toy of his and one being a household object.
It’d take me far too long to dig up the video right now (my Camera Roll is CRAZY!), but with every single choice he had, he – obviously – chose the non-toy.
A pair of toy keys and a pair of real keys? REAL KEYS.
A toy phone and a real phone? REAL PHONE.
A toy avocado or a real avocado?
Well, you catch the drift.
Sometimes I wonder how-the-heck the toddler toy industry does so well when every single toddler is far more fascinated in everyday objects.
He loves taking out the garbage bag from our trashcan and pushing the can around the apartment. He also really loves taking out the toilet plunger and will, occasionally, place it on the windowsill next to the plant as if it’s some sort of beautiful decorative piece.

While we were on our weekend trip to NY, he immediately gravitated toward all the household decorations, this candle + rock piece being a sensory and stacking delight for his little hands.
Another thing that fascinates him is the Instant Pot when it’s in “Pressure Cook” mode. He stands in the kitchen, watching the steam release going “shhhhhhhhh presha cook.”
So, yes, not quite sure why I continue to buy toys as if they are going to capture his attention more than this coaster sitting to my right.
But I do.
Maybe we’re all in denial, hoping our toddlers will be LESS interested in the toilet plunger if they’ve got some cool Lego set.
But I’m here to tell ya…nope.
Now excuse me while I remove the toilet plunger from my windowsill. Yet again.
Hope you all have a happy day.
Question of the Day:
What is the weirdest thing your toddler is into?
The cutest munchkin ever!!