This special post is written by a special papa! 🙂
Good morning! Riyaan turns 3 months old today! His parents now call him Riyu, finally settling on a nickname for him. Though his Papa often also calls him Chubby chubbers on account of all the fat he has accumulated in his tummy, ‘cheeky cheekies,” and delicious chunky thighs. And after hearing “Chubby chubbers,” Ishu Bhaiya now likes to call his tummy “Tummy tummers” as he kisses it over and over.
Speaking of Ishu Bhaiya, Riyu is absolutely enamored by his older brother, even though Ishu likes to smother him sometimes. Riyu always gets the biggest smile on his face when Ishu Bhaiya enters his view. That same smile also appears when Riyu first catches sight of his Mama and Papa, especially after waking up from a nap and while doing his long stretches. And he has even started to give a little giggle when Papa does peek-a-boo or tugs on his legs playfully.
Riyu loves when Mama gives him a bath, but hasn’t decided if he likes when Papa gives him a bath yet, because Papa doesn’t quite have Mama’s technique down yet.
This chubby chubbers gets mesmerized watching people eat food, so he probably won’t ever have a problem with eating.
But the thing he absolutely loves the most is BOOKS! This comes as no surprise given how much Ishu always loved books from a very early age. But this baby, as hard as it is to believe, might love them even more than his brother did! His Papa can read 5 books in a row to him, and he’ll just stare at the pictures wide-eyed, kicking his legs furiously, and smiling and cooing at his favorite parts.
Riyu has been drooling incessantly over the last month, a sign he may be in the early stages of teething. His main form of communication is still squeaks, screeches, and shrieks, but rarely does he full-on cry. He’s mostly just a calm, quiet, happy baby. He really lives by the schedule and whims of his Ishu Bhaiya, but that seems to be fine with him because he’s good at going with the flow. He does sometimes scream angrily at his Mama when she tries to talk to him or make eye contact when he’s just barely started a feed! But who likes to be disturbed in the middle of their meal anyway?
He got to go on his first bus ride a couple weeks ago to the Lincoln Park Farmer’s Market. He is very comfortable riding with his Mama or Papa in the baby carrier. And today he will be going on his first plane ride, to visit his grandparents in California! He’s so excited for this new experience and can’t wait to see all his family so soon and celebrate being 3 months old!
Beautiful baby boy happy and content . Good job !