Yesterday, I made this little guy a stroller snack. I broke two corncobs in half and boiled them, taking two halves with me when I went to pick him up.
He, obviously, was too excited to eat. I found his class running around in circles outside. And he was NOT ready to leave them. (Nor was he ready to be buckled down in the stroller).
So, together, we ran from school to the park and stayed there for about an hour.
When we got back home, I pulled the Tupper out of the bottom of the stroller and placed it on the table.
He was pretty eager to eat at that point.
They looked pretty good, so I grabbed one cob from the pan and joined him at the table.
He started whining, reaching for the cob in my hand.
“You want mine. You have some right there,” I said, as he took another gigantic bite of corn.
“I want DAT one,” he pointed to mine.
“You have two right there. Mama has one. Let’s eat,” I said.
“I WANT THREE,” he screamed.
At that point, I wasn’t sure if I should be annoyed at this child and chuck him in the dumpster. Or be incredibly impressed that, somehow, he had done a simple addition problem. HA.
I guess that’s motherhood for ya.
Bouncing between frustration and amazement and complete and utter love.
Hope you’ve got as much energy to get through it as this two-year old kiddo does.
He’s corn kid 2.0!