Good morning!
One day closer to Friday. Phew.
Today, after work, we’ve got another Step Aerobics class and I am so excited. I’m absolutely loving them – despite the fact that I can barely feel my body afterward. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had a feeling of excitement about exercising. I think it’s a combination of the music and the super-pumped, 65-year old instructor. Whatever it is – I’m grateful for it. Because I love that I have something to look forward to. And I love that it makes me sweat buckets. Usually, those things don’t go hand in hand.
Other things I’m loving lately:
- My Modern Essentials Textbook
I’m taking my essential oil love to a whole new level. I’ve been reading up on ways I can use it to address symptoms. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to learn about essential oils and their everyday uses. I ordered mine on Amazon for $18 and it was here in two days. Since then, I’ve been skimming through page after page of essential oil information. Who knew textbook reading could be so much fun?
- UPS Deliveries
A few days ago, Sujata Masi and Nandi Uncle sent us an overnight package of New York kebobs in the mail. It’s always fun getting packages in the mail. It’s even more exciting when the packages contain food. Living in Harrogate, TN, where the food options are scarce, it was such a special treat to have this shipped to us so we can enjoy it for the next few days!
- Graze Snack Box
I’m a snacker. The hours between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner seem like days to me. I always like to keep healthy snacks nearby to prevent me from diving into a hangry state. Which is why I was so excited to discover Graze snack boxes. You can customize your snack boxes so you’re only getting things you like. And they come in single-serving portions so you don’t end up eating 500 calories in nuts in one sitting. (<—this is a problem I face when buying things in bulk). You can sign up here and your first box will be free!
- Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Sister introduced me to this podcast last year and I just can’t get enough. It’s an hour-long weekly radio game show that comes out on Saturdays. It contains all sorts of Dad-jokes, and clearly that’s my type of humor, because I find myself laughing out loud all the time. (Especially when Paula Poundstone is on that day). There are so many different ways to take in the news today – most of them provoking anxiety or stress in some way. So, it’s nice to have a light-hearted game-show – with Div Dad jokes aplenty – to know what’s going on in the world.
Feel free to play along in the comments and tell me what you’re loving today!
Questions of the Day:
- Do you have a meal or snack box subscription?
- What podcasts do you listen to?
- What are you loving lately?
I love essential oils! That book looks like something I would read, and I ALSO love getting packages in the mail! Love the mailman.