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Good morning and happy Friday! Hope you all have fun weekend plans ahead of you!
I’m looking forward to this weekend since Ankur is done with the bootcamp he’s been TA’ing for and we get to attend a friend’s wedding in Kentucky! This upcoming year is supposed to be pretty challenging for the medical students so I’m soaking up every minute I get with him right now because who knows how long it’s going to last?!
Getting to spend SO much time with Ankur is definitely the highlight of my week, but I wanted to share a few other things that I’ve been loving lately! As always, feel free to share what’s making you smile in the comments below! I love reading them! 🙂
BBG Workouts
I’ve been really sluggish and sleepy this week and my morning workouts have taken a backseat. BUT it’s really hard to avoid a workout all day when you have everything you need at home with you. It’s pretty crazy how quickly I can work up a sweat with the BBG workouts. And when they’re divided up into 7-minute increments, it seems totally do-able. I love doing these three times a week – knowing that I’m targeting all the different muscle groups and getting a combination of strength training and HIIT. I also love having a print-out of the workouts so I don’t have to switch between the workout and the timer on my phone.
Bluetooth Headphones
Since I’ve started the BBG workouts, I’ve had to stop using my old headphones because the wire was always getting in the way. (Seriously – imagine trying to do 10 burpees while attempting to keep your earbuds in. A little tricky). These bluetooth headphones have been the best $35 investment. I can leave my phone on a bench nearby and bounce around the gym completing all the circuits. No annoying wire getting in my way.
One Hour of Chopping
While we were in Knoxville on Saturday, we stopped by Trader Joes to pick up some fresh produce. I set aside an hour on Sunday to wash, chop, and store for the week and it’s been so helpful. I eat so much more fruit when it’s already washed and put in individual containers to grab and go. I’ve been snacking on carrots and cherries all week long!
Liquor Store Humor
Bob’s Liquor Store in Knoxville is already a favorite place of ours – simply because they provide us what we can’t get in our dry county. But it won even more points after we saw this sign posted in the window. Oh Bob’s. We love you.
My Hydroflask Waterbottle
Gina sent me this incredible, insulated water bottle for my birthday and I’ve been toting it everywhere I go. It keeps my water cold for up to 24 hours. Seriously. I filled it with ice before I left for work in the morning around 7:30AM and when I got home at 5PM, the ice cubes were still in there! It’s M-A-G-I-C.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you listen to music while you workout?
- What is one thing you’re loving this week?
This post reminded me to charge my headphones. I just got a smart water bottle and I am hoping this is going to get me into drinking water like I used to.
Shakirah Iman recently posted…How to make a Quiz With Interact Quiz (Sponsored post)
I’ve been looking for some bluetooth headphones! Might have to have a look at these 🙂
Omg so many good tips!! I’ve been planning to get into BBG workout after the baby comes! So many people love the workout and see great results! My favorite is the wash and chop! I find that I eat less veggies and fruit because I’m too lazy to wash them when hunger strikes! So that tip to set aside time on Sunday to mass wash and chop is brilliant and so helpful! Thank you!! Will also have to check out that water bottle! I only like my water cold and that seems like it really does a good job at that!! Thank you!
I still haven’t tried BBG. I need to! My husband lives his hydroflask! He takes it everywhere. The liquor store sign made me laugh. Haha
Jessica Bradshaw recently posted…July Trader Joe’s Favorites
My husband recently bought me bluetooth headphones and I am loving them too. I could be in the kitchen and listen to my audio book while chopping – it makes life so much more efficient.
Tanvi Rastogi recently posted…Pro And Cons Of Living In U.S.A.
Brilliant idea to set aside an hour to wash and chop! I try to do this when I get fresh produce because then there’s no excuses to not eat them. I’ll have to check out those workouts… I’m currently loving YouTube workouts like Fitness Blender and PopSugar. Always blast my own tunes though!
I Ann absolutely loving my Bluetooth headphones and speakers!!
My husband has one of those water bottles too and is obsessed! He said the ice lasts for hours… so cool.
Whew…..that is more product placement then in a Adam Sandler movie…..
But Trader Joe’s is a fun place to shop….
Haha that liquor store sign is hilarious!! I hope you have fun at the wedding!
Beth recently posted…What’s Up Weekend 7.21.17
You’re kidding me about the ice cubes still being in the cup? I am getting one today!! Have a good Weekend sweets!!
Kimberly Airhart recently posted…What’s Up, Weekend? July 21st, 2017
Hope you enjoy some quality time with Ankur this week <3
I really need one of those insulated bottles, but mainly for my coffee… I feel like I'm constantly reheating mine in the morning because I always get called away and I can't ever finish it warm!
I need to look into BBG workouts. I'm finally (somewhat-ish) back on the train and would like to get back into the swing of things. Also great tip re: washing and storing fruits and veggies as snacks. It's so much easier to make smarter snacking decisions when these things are pre-arranged, eh?? 🙂
Hope you have a great weekend, my sweet! XOXO
Charlotte recently posted…What’s up, weekend 7/21
Bluetooth earbuds – definitely something worth checking out! Thanks!
Christine C recently posted…5 Friday Favorites ~ Summer Date Night or Family Fun Activities
One thing I’m loving this week: taking the time to sleep in! I don’t take it for granted!
I’m loving my Ulta beauty haul this week and the new Starbucks coconut mocha macchiato- yum!
Jackie recently posted…The Body Type Diet
I still can’t believe there are dry counties…. I’m so sorry! 😉 And I love fresh fruit too! We go through so much here!!
Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy recently posted…Friday Five {7.21.17}
I have been looking at Bluetooth headphones, thanks for the suggestion.
That’s so awesome that you go BBG! It’s such a great workout and it’s only a few days a week which is AWESOME! I love listening to music on my runs and it’s mostly the Electro Now station on Spotify!
Virjinia Harp recently posted…Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin
I love listening to music when I work out (And even when I work!) I need some of these headphones!
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…Remember Reminder #15: It’s Okay to Be Vulnerable
My husband brought home some cherries last week and I could not believe how quickly we went through them (because we prepped them right away). So nice to have a different than usual fruit in the house that didn’t go to waste!
I do love my bluetooth headphones. Chopping is so therapeutic for me. I’m hoping you have a great time in Kentucky this weekend and it isn’t too hot (if you like Bourbon, stock up on it while you are here).
Sheryl recently posted…Friday Favorites: Currently
I love podcast while I am working out and I really love bluetooth headphones now!
How can anyone workout without music!? I love my Bluetooth headphones as well, they’re so handy.
Lol liquor store humor 🤣🤣 and I need to get a pair of Bluetooth headphones!
Aseky Bonnaire recently posted…The Dad bag and outfit
I’m going to stop working out from home and workout again at a gym again. Where I’m moving to has a full gym. I think some new accessories are in order.
Jacqueline recently posted…Can Smog-Free Bicycles Clean China’s Pollution?
I’ve heard some incredible things about BBG workouts, I’ve been terrified to even look at them though! Good to know they’re great!
I just recently got my pair of bluetooth headphones and I AM IN LOVE! They are wonderful!
Kristin recently posted…Blogs You Should Be Reading & Other July Links
I need a new pair of headphones. I will check those ones out! I have a water bottle like that one, too. It’s amazing! I hope you’re having a great weekend!
Stefanie recently posted…10 Ways Busy Moms Can Sneak In Self Care + 6 Month Netflix Subscription Giveaway
I’m glad you and Ankur have been spending a lot of time together. I don’t have bluetooth headphones, but I might have to invest in some. I love listening to a podcast or music when i’m out walking, etc. Ooh you’re going to a wedding in KY? That’s awesome!
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