Good morning!
For those of you who follow this blog consistently, you know that my two loves are coffee and wine. Coffee to get me through the day. And wine to help me wind down after the day is over. They’re the perfect duo.
Well, you’ll never believe this when I tell you, but coffee is no longer the first thing I drink when I wake up in the morning.
It used to be that I’d crawl out of bed, stumble into the kitchen, and turn the Keurig on – all before my eyes could even adjust to the kitchen light.
Now, my morning routine is slightly different.
Best Pre Workout Supplement Women LOVE!
Since I’m trying to get to the gym before work, this pre-workout drink has been the best addition to my morning routine. I drink it 30 minutes before I get to the gym and, by the time I park my car, I’m completely jazzed and ready to kill my workout.
The reason I prefer this to any other pre-workout supplement is because, reading through the ingredients, I know I’m not putting any artificial chemicals in my body. Also, it tastes like lemonade and it’s delicious.
Anyway, I totally owe my incredible workouts this week to Energize. (If you’re interested in finding out more or receiving a sample to try it out before a workout, send me a message by clicking the “Contact Me” tab in my navigation menu above!)
This lemonade delight is what I’m loving the most in this current moment (as I’m drinking it while I type this up!), but in keeping with the Thursday theme, here are some other things I’ve been loving this week!
As always, play along in the comments or drop your own links in the link-up below. Hearing the things that are bringing you joy makes my heart happy!
Google Hangouts with my Family
This is definitely not the first time that this has been on my list of things I’m loving. I just can’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy after I get to see my family – even if it is through a computer screen. This past weekend, we all gathered together online to virtually celebrate Aurpapa and Sadhana Masi’s anniversary. Being so far away from family really makes me appreciate technology so we can have special moments like this one.
Autism Awareness Wine Glasses
I bought these Autism Awareness wine glasses from Whitney at Broke Teacher Boutique. It’s still Autism Awareness month, but when you’re a special education teacher, we like to promote awareness all year long. The best part about this purchase is that my money went straight into the pocket of another special education teacher.
Sunday Food Prep
Again, this is not the first time Sunday food prep has made the list of things I’m loving. But it just makes me so happy to come home from work and have the bulk of my dinner already ready to go. I used to think that I needed to prep full-blown meals on Sunday which would wipe away my entire day off. But, I just chop up a few veggies, bake some chicken, and put it all in individual containers. And it ends up taking less than an hour on Sundays. And makes my weekday dinners so quick and easy!
Springtime Mornings
As much as I loved my snow days, I’m grateful that the weather is warming up a bit. I’m much more motivated to workout in the early morning when it’s not freezing outside. There’s also something so peaceful about waking up with all the little critters out. (I seriously have to drive 10 miles per hour to the gym so I don’t run over any rabbits or squirrels).
My New Job
The first few weeks were an adjustment period, but I’m feeling a lot more confident at work. I am getting better at my job, sure. But I’m also getting better at knowing when I need to take a break from the computers, how to control my mindless snacking, and leaving my work at work. That one’s a big one. I’ve never really understood the concept of having my evenings free. I’ve always had IEP paperwork to do or lessons to plan. But I like having my evenings to spend quality time with Ankur and read (for FUN!) and watch Jeopardy or go for walks!
Solo Time
Ankur was busy studying this weekend, so I went on a solo drive to the Liquor Barn. It’s about 45 minutes away (#DryCountyProblems) so I turned on a podcast and drove the 30 miles to get me some goodies. It was really, really nice to have that time with myself. I’m so used to scheduling out my days and planning out my weekends to hang out with others. And, while I appreciate the company a lot and love my friends so much, I forgot how much I enjoyed the me-time to just get lost in my thoughts and my podcasts. (And my teeny-bopper playlist on Spotify).
Questions of the Day:
- Do you use a pre-workout supplement or drink prior to your workouts?
- What is one thing you’re loving this week?

OooH. The hangouts!!
My dad turns 84 tomorrow and how hard I forgotten about those. I was going to figure out a way to Skype everyone in. Hang outs are so much easier
Carla recently posted…It Takes A Village.
So glad to hear that you are liking your new job! Those kinds of changes can be so stressful and you never really know until you do it if it’s going to work out. Glad it did for you!
Penny Struebig recently posted…Thinking Out Loud Thursday – April 27, 2017
We love Google Hangouts! It’s the best. 😁 What’s your fav teenybopper music? I’m a sucker for the boybands of the late 90s/2000s. But really, anything from that time.
Fore going the coffee and replacing it with a healthier drink is good. I will have to show my daughter this since she goes to the gym in the morning and this might give her the boost she needs.
I have never tried a Google hangout before. I think that sounds like a good way to stay in touch with my family!
I really need that pre workout supplement, sounds so handy!
Celine recently posted…Essence budget lipstick | Review
I’m glad that you are loving your job! That is wonderful! The spider web picture is so pretty, I love intricate spider web designs.
Beth recently posted…Thinking Out Loud – Movies
I didn’t even know about Google hangouts. That is so cool.
Did you take that photo with the spider web. I love it..
I always food prep on Sunday’s. It makes me feel so much better to be ready for the week.
Kim Airhart recently posted…Jake’s New Loft Bed
I have started to come to this point slowly and steadily! Family, peace and solo travels with a glass of wine! Wow combination!
I love that spiderweb picture and those wine glasses. I also love springtime mornings!!
And alone time and wine 🙂 Lol. Congrats on the new job, too!!
We don’t really have a set pre-workout meal, we just make sure to eat something before going. After we usually have a protein shake or chocolate milk. Loving lately…I look out my window and I see sunshine! Snow begone! 🙂
Good Morning!!
I was traveling for a week so catching up on your blog posts now.
Thanks for continuing to share your teacher material with your readers.
Nice to read that you have switched from coffee to the healthy pre workout supplement.
Keep up the good work!
God Bless….
I joined in with the TIU Bikini Series and I’ve been loving it! The community is so strong, the workouts are super sweaty and I just feel really good about it!
Katie recently posted…Eight Rules of Yoga Etiquette
Great list! I love Sunday meal prep, spring mornings, and me time also! I need to check out Google hangouts. I live far from family and friends so I’m sure this would be great to stay connected to them.
Kristine-Bites of Flavor recently posted…Cucumber Tomato Salad with Herb Vinaigrette
It’s really cool that you’re able to catch up with everyone through video chats! I’ve been pretty happy with the spring sunshine and weather too!
I’m so glad that your new job is going well! Getting extra time in the evenings with your husband is so fabulous.
Rose recently posted…Daffodils Everywhere
I’m glad you’re adjusting to your new job as well as the demands (especially time demands). That can be tough. I love those wine glasses. I can think of a few teachers I know who’d like them!
That spider web pic is beautiful! I love peaceful drives all by myself. Although living in a dry county would be terrible! Lol!
Audrey recently posted…The Fruit & Flowers Anniversary
i lived on pre-workout but i also drank coffee the same day. I was getting SOOOO dependent on caffeine, so instead i cut out coffee completely and drank this BCAA with an added boost. i drank it twice a day (in the morning and intraworkout) and it gave me the chance to wean myself off of all that caffeine.
once i deliver baby #3, i’m probably going to go back to the BCAAs and drink green or black tea instead of so much coffee/dairy!
justine recently posted…Derby Days
This was such a great read! Those are all wondering things to be loving right now! Thanks for sharing!
Julie *
That pre-workout drink sounds awesome. I LOVE that it tastes like lemonade. It’s great that you are finally feeling content with your new job. It takes time – I know that!! – but it’s wonderful when everything feels normal and you’re used to being there and doing the job. 🙂
One thing I’m loving this week is hanging out with friends that I don’t get to see that often. It’s always nice when plans work out! 🙂
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Discussion: Do You Comment Jump?
I love that your family does Google hangouts. That’s such a cool idea to stay connected. I currently do not use a pre-workout supplement. However, I have to look into the one you mentioned.
Tasheena @ recently posted…Weight Loss Journey: Ten Pounds Down
Great blog! You can help many people. You inspired me a lot. Very great idea. Keep on developing it. I wish you all the best. Dominik
My daughter and I normally Facetime with my parents. We should try Google Hangouts! I also love to Sunday meal prep, too!
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…10 Things We’re Loving Right Now | The Nostalgia Diaries Blog
Food prepping is such a great routine…I need to put more effort into doing it.
Kim recently posted…Healthy Body AND Soul
I don’t care for spiders but that is a mangificiant web photo. Love the glasses too.
maria @closeothome recently posted…Spruce Up The Yard with DIY Adirondack Chairs and Double Sided Pillows
I’ve never used a pre-workout supplement before, but I have gone off coffee lately too… but my substitute is hot chocolate… oops!! Glad to hear you are enjoying some new found free time in the evenings 🙂
Spring mornings make me happy, too!
Akaleistar recently posted…I’m obsessed with this Victoria Beckham for Target floral dress
I tried Shakeology again today, but I just can’t get over the aftertaste. 🙁 Anyway, I’m super grateful that my son was able to focus in group piano lessons today. He’s Autistic, so that isn’t always a given! Thanks for everything you do, moms like me appreciate teachers like you!
Google hangouts are the best, especially with loved ones!
I’ve been back and forth on trying a preworkout before my runs int he morning! I’ve used Shakeology before but I’ve never tried energize!
Kristin recently posted…6 Shows I Would Love To Binge Watch On Netflix
I’ve always really liked Google Hangouts since I started using them. It is really fun to be able to connect with loved ones who live far away.
Toughcookiemommy recently posted…Vegan Double Chocolate Black Bean Brownies
I love wine, but do not drink coffee. Actually I do not drink tea either. Aren’t Google Hangouts a great way to stay in touch? 🙂
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted…{Mothers Day #Giveaway} Win a pair of passes to #CHIHULYNIGHTS from @Ascending1 & @NYBG #ChihulyNYBG
Glad to now that you are liking your new job. I have used Google hangout it is best to stay in touch with friends and family. It is really fun to be able to connect with loved ones who live far away.
I don’t go to the gym. My exercise is walking. Walking everywhere! I don’t think I would be needing energy drinks. I take slow walks so I can “stop and smell the flowers.” The one thing I am loving lately is my upcycled computer desk. 🙂
I used to drink a totally artificial, chemical filled pre workout that my husband bought and it made me feel horrible! Jittery, head achy, awful. I haven’t used one in years because they scared me so much but I’m glad to hear the beachbody one is safe! I may have to give it a try!
Annie recently posted…Affordable Mother’s Day Gift Guide & Easy Last Minute Ideas
I’m guessing I should use a pre-workout drink. I currently am just trying to get off the couch to do the workout.
Tami recently posted…Chasing Famous: Living the Life You’ve Always Auditioned For
I love the glasses! So pretty. And congratulations on the new job.
Great list, I am loving google hangouts as well!
Yikes! That spider web would be my tipping point to burn the whole house down! Ha!
Marissa Zurfluh recently posted…Potato Corn Chowder
I take Cellucor C4 Pre-Workout Supplements Fruit Punch and it boosts my energy. After the workout, I take protein bars!
Ana Ojha recently posted…8 Must Cities To Visit On The East Coast of The USA | For Beginners
Get the body you want with some help of workout supplements.
post workout recently posted…Z-Matrix (Capsules)