Good morning! Today, I’m dressed up as “New Fish” in Dr. Seuss’ “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” children’s book. I’m wearing pastel pink with a bonnet on my head and a pacifier in my mouth. My co-worker – who’s been teaching for the past 31 years – is “Old Fish.” And the rest of the 4th grade team has selected a different fish to be. We’ve had Spirit Week all week long thanks to Read Across America and today we’re dressing up as books! (This is much more spirited than the last time I stuck a pom-pom in my hair and called myself a Bruin!)
Hopefully I can get a group picture of us at some point today so you can see all the fish in action.
Aside from dressing up each day, here are a few other things I’ve been loving this week! As always, play along in the comments and share one thing you’re loving this week! Or, even better, drop your own Things I’m Loving or Thankful for posts in the link-up below.
1) The Reason I Was Late to Work Yesterday
If you follow me on Snapchat (@eatteachblog) or Facebook, you might have seen my post about being late to work yesterday. Reason? I got stuck behind a tractor. You can’t make this stuff up guys.
2) My New Wine Opener
In case any of you were concerned about my wine glasses and corkscrew mishap last week, you can ease your mind. I ordered a new one on Amazon and this one’s better. AND it comes with a wine stopper. But, then again, I probably won’t be needing that.
3) Catawba Falls
It may have appeared as though the only thing we did in Asheville this past weekend was consume calories. However, we burned a few too (although not nearly enough!). If you’re in or around the Asheville area, I highly recommend Catawba Falls in Black Mountain. It’s a moderate out-and-back trail that follows a stream the entire way. The Catawba Falls were very impressive and worth the trek! I’d like to do this hike again during the fall or the spring when the colors change!
4) Solo Reflection Time
Yesterday, our county schools were let out early due to severe thunderstorms. We had a half day to make sure the kids were safe in their homes and not on the buses during the worst of it. Which meant that I was able to come back home by 11AM and cuddle up on my couch. Eventually the rain subsided and I took advantage of the post-rain beauty and went for a solo walk near the Fitness Trail. There’s something so calming and peaceful about the air and the trails immediately after it rains. It smells cleaner. It looks and feels cleaner. And it helps me think more clearly.
5) Opposites Attract
On Sunday, before we packed up to leave Asheville, Ankur snapped a picture of our suitcase. I feel like it’s pretty reflective of who we are as people. Ankur is neat and clean and has a place for everything he owns. (His stuff is on the right side). And I’m a monster who throws stuff around and doesn’t always take care of my things. (My stuff is on the left side. And still in my suitcase today. Thursday). I like to take shortcuts and he likes to make sure things are done properly. I’m chalking it up to “opposites attract,” but, in reality, it’s probably because I have the most patient soul as a husband. How did I get so lucky?
Question of the Day:
- What is one thing you’re thankful for this week?
Link-Up Your Thankful Posts Below
(This is NOT a link dump. Make sure your links are relevant and focus on gratitude or thanks!)

I am grateful that I am able to do so much from my list from this week. It’s crazy how time goes so fast and suddenly I feel like I have a short time to do a lot of things. I feel grateful that I have almost getting done.
That tractor story is hilarious! Leaving school early due to thunderstorms that’s so scary!
Harmony, Momma To Go recently posted…Stuff I Love: February 2017
I’d love to see you in that costume! 🙂
We live in the countryside so getting stuck behind a tractor isn’t too foreign to me! Happens!
Solo me time is wonderful and so important!
Hope your week has been going good so far!
Hugs xxx
My husband and I took a trip to Asheville last fall and went on a couple hikes. The water falls were so pretty! This week I’m thankful for my new job. Although it took me stepping out of my comfort zone, I’m so glad I did it!
Penny Struebig recently posted…Thinking Out Loud Thursday – March 2, 2017
Oh my thanks a nice wine bottle opener! It hit me, I need one! Thanks for reminding me 🙂
This post made me laugh… and I agree.. what a wine stopper??
Danielle recently posted…Girl Mom Box Swap
I love that you were stuck behind that thing hahaha so funny! I’m thankful for a healthy baby and pregnancy thus far!
Heather @ Polyglot Jot recently posted…March Goals & Intentions
Yeah I am the same with my suitcase. I just throw it in, my husbands side is in order. I think it’s because we ladies are fed up of keeping things in order, clean and tidy at times. Men rarely get to do this so they don’t feel the pinch.
Helene D’Souza recently posted…Greek Salad Recipe with Dressing {Vegetarian}
Ugh, I hate when I’m behind a tractor. It happens in Texas quite a bit. Always when I’m in a hurry.
I love solo reflection time. It helps clear my head.
Amber Myers recently posted…He Taught Me Patience
This week, I am thankful that I was able to find a part time nanny for my grandchildren. The usual routine of me babysitting 3 times a week will now only be once a week! Thank goodness I found that girl. She’s heaven sent.
I’m sure you had a great time visiting Catawba Falls – it looks great in the picture. I miss mountains and forests so much! 🙂
The thing I loved on your post today was the last line:
a patient soul as a husband. So true.
You sure are lucky my dear.
God Bless!!
I’m thankful for the fact that my son is currently taking a nap. This is the first time he’s taken a decent nap in two weeks. I’m amazed at how much work I’m getting done.
Laura recently posted…Comment on Finding Contentment in Your Homemaking {Part One} by laura
Lovely post. I love how interactive your blog is in that you allow guests to post related pics. Neato, I’ve never seen that before! I’m currently thankful for my one day off. It’s been a long week already!
I was hoping for a picture of you in the costume, hopefully you’ll post it soon. The trek in Ashville looked so soothing and relaxing. Solo reflection time was definitely a must.
Usually when we are in a hurry is when we get stuck behind something slow!! Catawba Falls trail looks lovely, there’s something beautiful about walking alongside water! I’m thankful for weekend camping trips away with my family 🙂
Oh I love that new wine opener. I can actually have wine now woohoo!
I really enjoyed this post! Your comment about not needing the wine stopper made me have a good giggle – same thing tends to happen in our house hehehe
Dominique recently posted…Tomato Sauce with Hidden Veggies
So, I laughed out loud at the picture of the tractor! I am grateful for my little girl. She turned three this week and despite the dreaded warnings of the “threenager” stage, she is sweet (most of the time) and wears a tutu, tiara, and a pearl necklace everywhere we go. I wish I always felt like a princess like that! No time for quiet reflection with a loud princess, but what a great idea!
Brittany Ferrell recently posted…February Blog Traffic and the Power of Pinterest
Hahahaha I used to LOVE One Fist, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish! Good on you for getting in to it. 🙂
Ugh! To me, there’s nothing worse than getting stuck behind a tractor. I’m getting mad just thinking about it aha.
Christie’s Take on Life. xx
Love the new wine opener! and of course time to reflect on things is always a must!
Solo walks are the best! When I was teaching, my school was out in the middle of nowhere, and I encountered tractors all the time. They’re the worst! I hope you had a great Dr. Seuss day at school.
Rose recently posted…2017 Goals Update: February
Oh my goodness I feel you on the first thing. I live in the country and there is roadwork everywhere. I’m tired of being behind heavy equipment.
Catawba Falls looks gorgeous! I hiked up Black Mountain once when I was in NC and it was so gorgeous – loved seeing the town from above!
Robin recently posted…Dear Unemployed Recent Grad: You’re Not Alone
The tractor story is so funny. I love the beautiful waterfall in one of your pics. I also need to connect with nature often or I feel really out of place. I like to be close to the water and I LOVE the ocean!!
Jackie recently posted…How To Make A Vision Board
This week I’m thankful for chilly nights and cuddle time with my pup and husband.
The tractor thing made me lol and I love your new wine opener.
I’d love to go to Catawba Falls…that sounds like a lot of fun! Also, your school’s spirit day sounds like a lot of fun! I’m sure the kids get a kick out of dressing up.
For this week, I am thankful for the travel I just had. I am still having hang-overs on my vacation. Hahahaha! Dreaming of a new holiday again while I’m back in reality.
Anosa recently posted…March 2017 Monthly Goals
Haha! My husband and I are the same one. I am always rushing to pack last-minute and he’s so patient and calm. Opposite definitely do attract!
Sharon recently posted…Peanut Butter S’mores Cookies
When I lived in Texas we were constantly late because of tractors on the road and such. It’s hard to believe that I kind of miss that ‘slow paced’ life now.
Wanted to say hello from a NC local! I’ve wanted to check out the Catawba Falls. I hope you enjoyed Asheville!
Megan Campbell recently posted…3 Things That Go Into a Photograph
I’ve never heard of Catawba Falls before! I would love to visit some time! Thats also a really nice bottle opener! Looks great!
Love the new wine opener and all of the great pictures. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
David Elliott recently posted…Eclairs To Die For, Or Live For
I love seeing all of the Dr. Seuss birthday celebrations yesterday! So much fun! Catawba Falls looks like a beautiful place and a lot of fun to hike to!
Kristin recently posted…Ipsy For The No Makeup Mom
I am grateful that I am really happy with my choice to totally change my career. It was scary to take the leap but I am so much happier. I would love to go explore Catawba Falls.
I love that wine opener! Catawba Falls sounds amazing. I’m grateful this week for a loving fiance and happy home.
roxy recently posted…My Top 3 Dog-Friendly Places in St. Louis
I am thankful for a lot of things. Mostly for my life and strength and how the things are turning around in a good positive way.
Deimarys recently posted…Ionic Straightener Nano Ceramic Hair Brush / Review
I love your post! You made me smile, so bad!!!! because the farmers always laugh when people call anything on big wheels + slow moving a tractor (it’s a backhoe). Thanks for sharing what you are loving lately. You never know what your going to write that will make peoples day!
I am thankful that I am almost to 9 months pregnant. I’m trying to enjoy the last part 🙂 Then we will be a family of six.
Alicia recently posted…Take a First Look at Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins Returns
When you live in Upstate NY you know all about being late for work because a tractor is in front off you especially during planting season. However, leaving because of thunderstorms was a first for me. We never left school early for thunderstorms. Trust me we had bad ones too! I am such an over-packer when it comes to traveling! I could never share a suitcase with my husband. Great post!
Sheila Schweiger-Rhodes recently posted…Things to Do When Someone You Love Is Dying
Oooo that really is one fabulous wine opener!!!! I have a similar one I received for a gift a few months back!
eugh tractors are so slow and annoying haha! I love the reflection place and some of the outdoor places you’ve visited it’s great to get a dose of nature!
This is a great idea for a post! I’m grateful for a new dishwasher this week. Makes life so much easier!
We have similar packing styles! (Downy Wrinkle Release fixes everything.) It always takes me longer than it should to unpack, too! The cats always appreciate an extra day or two to sleep on my suitcase…