9 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. So crazy.
Maybe it’s because we live in a high-rise building, but it honestly felt like I was one of those little snowmen in a snow globe. The wind was 20+mph so the snow was going sideways and up and all over the place.
All I know is that I’m real lucky that I don’t have to commute anywhere for work. Ankur had two blocks to walk and his text to me when he reached work was something like, “Well, that was an adventure.”
Serious props to people who have to commute in this kind of weather. And even more props to the people who are having to work outside in this weather! You amaze me.
I’m up at 5am this morning because I fell asleep with my kid last night.
And, as is the case every morning, Wordle is on my mind.
I love the simplicity of the game.
But, more than that, I love that we have a family text thread going where we share our Wordle scores for the day. I mean, we talk to our families more than the average people (I think). But this is like a definitive way to touch base each morning. And I love it.
I also get a kick out of the fact that people share their score on social media. I know some people eye roll at it. But I think it’s lovely.
Especially because there is like this unspoken rule that everyone seems to be following that nobody should be leaking the Wordle word of the day. Restores my faith in humanity. Ha.
Now here’s my question for you if you play Wordle.
Are you like my cousin who has a first word they use every time?
Or are you like me that uses a new word each time?
NY Times bought Wordle and I really hope they don’t mess up the simplicity of it. One of the things we love about it is that there’s only one a day so you can’t get sucked in!
(I also like that it’s a love story between a software engineer and his partner).
Now, all this to say, I am yammering on about how I love Wordle and it’s the first thing I do every morning but I haven’t done TODAY’S yet.
So I’m logging off to go engage in the highlight of my day.
G’day to you and happy wordling!
Love you Wordlers!!
What a cute picture of Ishu.
He makes himself comfortable