Yesterday was quite the busy day. In a really good way. In the kind of way where I was super productive and didn’t stop to eat lunch. [Seriously – when does that ever happen?!]
So, around 3PM, when my stomach was grumbling, I knew it was time to pause and eat something before my meeting at 4:30. I decided to close my computer and have a ‘disconnected lunch.’ I was, after all, pretty excited about the food I brought. Some roasted sweet potatoes and a veggie scramble. Topped with some Farmer’s Market olives. I was more than ready to inhale that deliciousness.
I went to open up the fridge and it was GONE.
I almost had a Ross Gellar moment. You know? The one with Ross’ Sandwich. I nearly exploded. I searched my e-mail for some explanation and found an announcement on our Launchpad saying that our fridge would be cleaned out at the end of the day on Monday.
Two things. 1) I should learn to read the announcements a little more carefully. 2) End of day does not mean 2PM. End of day means END OF SCHOOL DAY.
I was not in the wrong. But, I also could have prevented the meltdown if I just took the time to read our Launchpad a little more thoughtfully.
Luckily, the meltdown was prevented because this little one joined me on an adventure to Subway.
He also tried to discourage me from drinking a Diet Coke and talked about all the health benefits of apple juice. I love him.
The rest of the day could have totally gone downhill. But the Subway helped. And then I had a pretty good IEP meeting. Followed by a fantastic yoga session. And then came home to find this little ginormous chart waiting for me.
I’ve been really sulky and complain-y about work and life lately [especially when somebody throws my lunch away]. But, when I take a step back and see all the different options I’m presented with, I really shouldn’t be sulky and complain-y. Life isn’t too bad. I’m really lucky in so many ways and this feeling of helplessness is temporary. It will get better. And – like our yoga teacher explained to us – allowing yourself to be open to the feelings (both good and bad) is a good thing. When you feel the feelings, you know where change needs to happen.
Also, when you make a Sticker Chart that includes all the little things that bring you joy, and you get a smiley-face-sticker each day for each activity you do, you start noticing the trends that make for successful days.
So, as weird and scientific as it is, I’m going to be hyper-aware of my actions and feelings. In an effort to document them and notice trends on the days I feel happiest. (Friday. Duh.)
It’s like my Happiness Project 2.0.
Let’s see how it goes.
Hello My dear Divpiv — After a long time read your ETB.
You sure had a fun pumpkin patch weekend with Veer. You all are quite creative.:):)
Felt so bad that your food got thrown away on Monday. End of the day means end of Monday when all staff and kids leave. Not fair……..
Well Thank God for good ole Subway.
Good Night for now. Love.