Dearest RBM Family,
Today was a really special day in the life and times of Divya Budhraja.
Today, for the first time since I graduated from college, my parents came to my workplace to see what this teaching thing was all about.
Since I moved up to Northern California in 2012, my mother has sent me at least 500 listings of Special Education jobs in Southern California. She couldn’t understand why my job was different than the job she had suggested. She couldn’t comprehend why I wanted to stick with Rocketship.
“A teacher is a teacher,” she said. “Why does it matter where you teach?”
Today, she got it.
Today, as she stood at Launch with tears streaming down her face as our Rocketeers shouted the creed at the top of their lungs, she understood why.
Today, as she walked down the hallway, watching every single one of you greet your kiddos before breakfast, she felt it.
Today, as all our kiddos crowded around them, eager to introduce themselves, she looked at me in a way that she has never done before.
She understood why I have chosen to plant myself in San Jose.
She understood why I love this school and this community so much.
It’s easy to see. Within seconds of stepping on this campus.
We are different. We are stronger. We are a family.
I am so very thankful for you all. For the happiness you give me each and every day. And for helping my Mama realize the magic that is our school.
Ms. Divya, my pride and joy —– As I was reading your blog today I felt I was sitting with you when you were writing it.
It was such a heartfelt experience to visit the Rocketship Brilliant Minds Campus.
It felt like each and every child at Rocketship gets so much personal love and attention from the staff members. The teachers are like their moms away from home.
God Bless you my Divya for the impact you are making on these beautiful kids.