Good afternoon! Hope everyone’s morning has been as great as mine! 😉
I just got back from hanging out with Robert, one of my very best friends from college who, ironically, I haven’t seen in over 4 years. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
Robert, Kirstin (you’ve seen her before on the blog), and I were pretty much attached at the hip during our first year of college. It probably has to do with the fact that we were ridiculously obnoxious and nobody understood our humor.
Over the four years at UCLA, we definitely diverged and went our separate ways, but they remain two of my favorite people in the world.
Now is a super exciting time in Rob’s life because he’s GOING TO BE A DAD. How crazy!
Rob and his wife, Julia, are high school sweethearts. And they’re having a BABYYYYYYYYYY.
I stole that picture (^) from Julia’s Facebook! =)
Before we parted ways, I said, “Let’s try not to let 4 more years go by before we see each other again.” He responded with, “Yes. Next time I’ll bring my wife and daughter along.”
It’s crazy to me, but I know they are going to make incredible parents. Baby Bohn is so lucky. <3
So bummed I missed seeing you this morning Div! We are so grateful to have you in our lives, even if we don’t see you often!
I loved Rob’s college dorm way more than my own bc it meant I got to see you guys!
Can’t wait for baby Bohn to meet ya!
Love, Julia
P.S. I heart your blog:)