Happy Monday!
No Sunday scaries last night. Because SUMMER.
I thought it would be fun to fill out this fun survey that I’ve seen circulating around the blogisphere. Because MONDAY.
Ready, set, go.
20 Questions.
1) What brings you the most joy? A lot of little things bring me joy, but I think that I am truly happiest when I’m outside.
2) What are your vices? Carbs. Especially in the form of grapes. Fermented grapes.
3) What is on your nightstand? A small plant one of my co-workers got for me a few years ago, some coins that I’ve been too lazy to put away, a paperclip, and other random things that get pulled out of my pocket at the end of the day. During X-mas, I have my mini tree plugged in. I wish it were Christmas all year long.
4) Do you have a secret talent? I’m really good at G-Chatting. And texting. Although I’m not sure if I’m necessarily proud of those skills.
5) What is your greatest indulgence? French fries. All the French fries.
6) What should every woman try at least once in her life? YOGA. I was so opposed to it for so long. And, now I realize how much it helps my mind calm the eff down.
7) What makes you laugh? My kiddos. Every day. They say the cutest, most imaginative things and I can’t help but giggle every time they open their mouth. They are the best part of my work day.
8) What is one thing thing people would be surprised to know about you? I cry. All the time. HA. JK. NOBODY’s surprised about that.
9) What is on your bucket list?
10) What is on your feet right now? Nothing is currently ON my feet. But my feet ARE being soaked in the tub right now. Like I’m an old lady.
11) What superstition do you believe in? ALL the superstitions. The broken glass. The black cat. The walking under a ladder. The plane flying over your head. The plane thing is my mom’s doing. She thinks that good luck is coming your way when a plane flies over your head. I just hope it’s good luck and not the pilot losing control of the plane.
12) What is your favorite food? Sandwiches. I’m like Joey from Friends when it comes to sandwiches.
13) What items in your closet do you wear the most? Yoga pants. It looks like I wear the same pair all the time. But, in reality, I own 854 pairs of the same style yoga pants.
14) What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Oh boy – I’ve gotten so many great gifts over the past few years. My family and friends are such good gift givers so I’ve been blessed with some of the most thoughtful presents. But my favorite gifts are the trips or experiences I’ve had with people!
15) What is on your liquor shelf? Well, I don’t really have a liquor shelf. It’s more like a wine mantelpiece.
16) What is on your kitchen counter? A tea kettle, my Keurig, a few spices. I have very little counter space. And, obviously, the Keurig gets priority. (Which is ironic considering I ALWAYS stop at Starbucks instead of make my own coffee).
17) What would you never leave home without? My phone. Usually because I’m on it.
18) What movie has the greatest ending? I don’t even know. I’m usually asleep by that point. Maybe Pitch Perfect? The first one. Not the second. Duh.
19) What was your first concert? Wango Tango. The one with Britney Spears. And Ricky Martin. Quality music.
20) What is one thing you would tell your younger self? You are going to embrace the awkward human that you are. You will discover this wonderful thing called threading your eyebrows and you will grow into your features. You are funny and fun and will one day develop a level of confidence you never thought you’d have. You just gotta wait for it.
Now It’s Your Turn:
- What is on your nightstand?
- What is on your bucket list?
- What is on your liquor shelf?
- What was your first concert?
- What would you tell your younger self?
You are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this-it made me smile 🙂
Oh a good survey. I love these! What’s on my night-stand? A book that I haven’t been reading. And I would also not like to leave home without my phone, but a full water-bottle comes in a close second. Vices? Treats! Wine! You name it:) Have a great day, lady!
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What is on your nightstand? Random jewelry, a ton of bobby pins, some random coins that couldn’t go in my wallet bc it doesn’t have a coin section, a lamp and a book called Conversations with God.
What is on your bucket list? TO BE A MOMMY! Top three dreams in life: 1) To be a mom 2) Buy my parents a baller beach house 3) To swim with whales/dolphins in the ocean (not in a tank)
What is on your liquor shelf? I don’t have a liquor shelf but if I did, it would have tons of red wine (specifically Barolo because I’m picky like that) and maybe one small bottle of Fireball (immature? SBI)
What was your first concert? HANSON – mmmmmmBOP!
What would you tell your younger self? Stop stressing out about what’s to come, be present, and enjoy the moment. You’re beautiful and will always look great given you maintain the baal situation on your face 😉 Don’t listen to people when they say you’re “too nice”. Stay the happy, positive, and fun loving girl you are. Keep laughing because you’re going to create a life for yourself that’s going to be exactly how you imagine it – just be sure to do your thing and hang tight if it seems like it’s taking too long. You’ll get there <3 Oh and also, don't be so hard on yourself.
Ah, I love surveys! 😀 (+ I’m all about the yoga pants too! These days, a little less so than usual, but only because it’s reallyreally hot!)
My first concert was for a band called Waking Ashland! <3
I'd tell my younger self to stop stressing out about things that I couldn't change, and to never settle for anything less than what I deserved!