Good morning and happy Friday. We made it at LONG LAST.
That’s an exaggeration.
Friday gets here quickly.
But Monday does too.
But lucky for us, we’ve got a three-day weekend.
Except Ishu’s school is open on Mondays. So, Ishu gets a normal weekend and Mom and Dad get a 3-day weekend where one of those days might actually feel relaxing. Ha.
Ishu’s in one of those “I’m ___-er” phases.
He’s “faster.” He’s “taller.” Bigger. Hungrier. Smilier.
If I say something about being quick, he’ll immediately respond with, “But I’m quicker than you. Watch this!” as he darts around the room showing me how fast he is.
Ankur’s been trying to teach him the concept of bragging.
Ankur will say something like, “If you walk faster than somebody, you don’t always have to SAY it out loud. Or if you’re taller than somebody, people can already see that. You don’t have to say it. Sometimes that can be seen as bragging. People already know. They can see it. And that could make some people feel bad.” I mean, those aren’t his words verbatim. But something along those lines. To help Ishu’s little brain understand.
Of course, after the first mini lecture series, you can see his brain processing that information.
“Mama. Mama. I’m faster than you. But I don’t have to TELL you. You already know.”
So. Progress? I don’t know.
And then, more recently, while we were in California, he was changing his clothes and I may have made some comment about his cute little butt. (Because it is seriously the cutest little butt).
Shortly after the wardrobe change, he’s sitting by the fireplace, looking a little contemplative.
Out of nowhere, he said to Ankur:
“When you say ‘My butt’s cute,’ and I say, ‘My butt’s cuter,’ that’s bragging, right?”
Our sweet kid and his mental filing cabinet.
I love how he takes in every piece of information, analyzing it all and applying it over and over ’til it makes sense for him.
Anyway, that is all. Another love story for Ishu and his brain.
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