I can’t decide if I want to keep the notifications on my Google Photos or turn them off because every time I’m hit with a “This Time Last Year” notification on my phone, it’s like a gut punch seeing how much my baby has grown.
Like, this one from this morning that sent me pictures of Ishu from May 2023.
He went from toddler to YOUNG BOY in the last 12 months and…how?
This little boy had his first tennis lesson yesterday and, wowie, that went way better than we were anticipating. The classes are for 5-7 year olds, but they said if he was interested, we could try it out. And turns out he is very, very, very interested.
I sort of thought it’d be hard for him to follow along or he’d want to do his own thing for most of it (similar to how he did with his swimming lessons). But, he did great. He loved it. And so we are ready to sign him up for more!
The other little boy had his 9-month check-up yesterday. He’s growing right along his growth curve, loved reaching for the doctor’s stethoscope, did NOT enjoy his finger prick, and, of course, had a blast playing with the crinkly paper he sat on.
The family is flying in today for Ankur’s graduation ceremony and will be here through the weekend. We’ve been counting down the days all week and Ishu is so excited that his Nikku Chacha will be there to pick him up from school today.
Yesterday, while we were at the park in the evening, two of Ishu’s friends from school came in with their grandparents, who also live in the area. At one point, the grandma walked over to the three of them trying to spot a bunny. As they were walking away from the grass, the grandmother grabbed the younger one’s hand to walk with her and knelt down to give her a big ol’ kiss on her cheek. Ishu was following behind them and watched the interaction. My heart ached watching him watch them.
I mean, I don’t think he felt one way or the other about it. I don’t actually think this kid feels any sort of lack of love, that’s for sure.
But sometimes, I watch these other kids get to grow up around their grandparents and family members and I want that so much for mine. He loves every second he gets with his family. We are so grateful for the trips there and for their trips here. AND I also catch myself daydreaming about a world where he gets to watch bunnies with his grandma after school, play tennis with his grandfathers on the weekend, run around the house with all his cousins.
Some day.
For now, we will savor every second we get with them.
Keep throwing your wishes into the universe and it shall happen. Amen. ๐๐๐๏ธ๐๏ธ
Enjoy your time with dadi babji & Niku Chachu.