Yesterday I was an emotional wreck (think: 50-year old with a severe hormonal imbalance). I can’t really pinpoint or articulate why I felt like I was on the verge of tears the ENTIRE day. But, I just was. Maybe it was adjusting to a new service schedule? Or feeling overwhelmed that the end of the school year is approaching and there are so many little things to get done? Or maybe it wasn’t anything work-related at all.
I honestly can’t figure it out.
But, it’s a new day. I’m moving forward. And I feel much better this morning. One of my favorite things to do in the morning (aside from downing 3 cups of coffee) is to scroll through the pictures on my phone. Most days are such a blur because, at any given moment, there are 500 things going on at one time. It’s hard to be mindful in an environment so chaotic. But, this little morning routine allows me to revisit some special moments throughout the day.
Like watching my little ones get really excited to discover vowel teams and the LONG “e” sound in the books they were reading.
Or one of my favorites laying his head down on my knee during Guided Reading groups.
It’s these small wins that I get each day that make those crazy emotional days absolutely worth it.
I am the luckiest.
It’s the little things that make life so great!
Lora @ Crazy Running Girl recently posted…A zipline adventure with Cypress Valley Canopy Tours