A few weeks ago, I had posted on my Instagram and Facebook page about my Saturday morning struggles. I’ve got two voices trying to compete for my attention.
One is telling me, “Yes. Ease into your day. Relax. You’ve got nowhere to be but here.”
And the other one is screaming, “Get up! Get up! You only have today. Let’s be productive!”
This has always been an issue for me and I know I’m not alone in this. That post got a lot of responses like “Me too!” and “This is my LIFE.”
When there are no events or obligations to attend to, I feel like my body goes into “analysis paralysis” mode and I can’t decide what I want to do with all the time.
So, I will sit down, coffee in hand, and start writing out a list of things that would be nice to get done. And, as the list gets longer, I start panicking and feel this urgency to get up and start moving.
This leaves me feeling neither productive nor relaxed.
This weekend was different for some reason.
On Saturday, I listened to the first voice.
And, on Sunday, I listened to the other one.
On Saturday, I started my morning by going to Starbucks and then remained bundled up at home for a few hours.
And, on Sunday, I decided to unpack the contents of each of my drawers in the house so I could do some fall/winter cleaning.
So this morning, when I woke up, I felt both relaxed and productive.
I sat here for a few minutes this morning, trying to figure out why this weekend felt different. I’ve been trying to analyze my behavior so when something FEELS right, I can replicate it.
And I think the big thing that it boils down to is waking up and setting my intention for the day.
It takes no more than 5 minutes to tune into my body and ask it how it would like to spend the day. How does it want to feel? Does it want to feel relaxed and balanced and meditative? Or does it want to feel challenged, pushed to the brink of discomfort so it can grow and develop?
On Saturday, I sat silently for a few minutes and asked my body what it needed. I knew I needed a few hours to recover and reset. And, somehow, because I tuned in to my body and literally asked what it would like from me, it became that much easier to sit down on the couch and ignore those urgings to get up and get moving.
Every time a negative thought arrived and told me I wasn’t doing enough with my time, I quietly responded, “My body needs this. It has asked me to give it this today. So I am allowing it to happen.”
I was never a believer in setting your intentions. Sure, I followed the masses and created vision boards and made NY resolutions year after year. But, I didn’t understand how writing something down on a piece of paper was suddenly going to provide me with the wisdom and the knowledge to acquire what I wanted.
But here it is.
Now I understand.
It’s not about making a beautiful, picture and glitter-filled vision board to plaster on your wall.
It’s about tuning in to your body and soul and determining what it is that you really want.
How do you want to feel? What would bring you happiness and joy?
And then, from there, your every step and your every action should line up with that feeling.
Let’s say I wake up and decide that I want to feel relaxed and meditative that day.
Later in the afternoon, a friend texts me and suggests that we go out that evening and get a few drinks and appetizers at a local restaurant.
I ask myself, “Will this help me feel relaxed and meditative?”
Probably not.
Drinks and appetizers will derail my hard work and make me feel like crap. I won’t feel relaxed. I’ll feel upset with myself.
But, by starting my day with an intention, I am able to easily say “no” to the things that don’t line up with how I want to feel.
Some days, I tune into my body and I want to feel connected and adventurous. Those are the days where a happy hour is calling my name.
But a happy hour on a day where my body is asking to feel calm and introspective doesn’t make sense.
Every day is different from the one before. And we rush into our days without knowing what we want it to look like. This makes it easy to mindlessly say ‘yes’ to the things that don’t bring us happiness.
But carving out a few minutes each morning to check in with yourself can make all the difference. It will make it easier to say “no” to the things that don’t serve you. And it will give you that resounding YES in your inner core when something feels right.
It all lies in the ability to clear your head, get heart-centered, and ask your body how you want to spend the day.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you set daily intentions?
- How do you check in with yourself? And how often? What does that look like?
What a great reminder to make intentional choices throughout the day!
Good idea! Your article alone made me feel more relaxed already. I actually don’t start my days with intention. I usually ‘go with the flow’ which sometimes means that I will be doing I’m absolutely not in the mood for. Or my body does not want. Pinning this!
What great thoughts. This challenged me in the best way. Thank you!
This is such a great idea. I have a journal I don’t do much with but it would be a good way to use it, I could write my daily intention down each morning! I might have to try that!
Beth recently posted…A Holly Jolly Weekend
I really need to get better about this. I also need to work harder on listening to my body and not just my brain. Im a little stubborn. There is so much to do, but I know my health isn’t that great and I can’t. But then I panic and do EVERYTHING. Only to hurt my body. The struggle is real girl. I feel you! Thanks for this great reminder though! Hope you have an amazing week!
Kim M recently posted…Menu Plan Monday: December 11th
This is so good! I especially love the idea of asking my body what IT needs. How often do we fail to even ask? Just this weekend we were all snuggled in because it snowed here in Atlanta. It was very relaxing BUT there was a time when I felt really unsettled. So, I asked my body what it needed. Turns out I needed to move. So, I pushed past excuses and actually went running in the snow. It was so empowering and perfect. I was a new person when I got back. Now I know this Southern Girl CAN run in the snow. LOL!
I was just thinking about this topic this morning.. instead of making my usual to do list, make an list of intentional things to do. I cannot wait to start tomorrow morning off that way! Thank you!!
Ahhh yes, love this, I go through the mental battles on weekend mornings too! Love this approach. 🙂
I do this same thing every day – waking up a little frantic, feeling like I need to check ALL the things off my list that day! It’s so draining. Lately, I’ve been putting into practice something similar, listening to what it is I truly think I and my body need. For this season of my life, that’s turned into slowing down — I’m doing less on my blog and doing less things that just seem to clutter up my time (most of them are not worthwhile anyways!). It really has made a huge difference! I’ll have to come back here and read this if I start forgetting, though 🙂
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…Week 49: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall | Everyday Nostalgia
I love this! Setting intentions for the day has been something I’ve recently been getting into.
Sarah recently posted…2018 will be the year I … jump without being afraid to fall
That’s a good idea. I have a lot of days that I end up not feeling productive nor relaxed. Thanks for this post, this made me feel like I can actually get there and have great days!
I can so relate to this 🙂
Akaleistar recently posted…Last Minute Holiday Outfit Ideas
You’re so right- you don’t need a fancy vision board to visualize your intentions. In a similar sense, you don’t always have to use bath bombs and fancy products for self care! These things can be as simple as we make them.
This is so true. I encourage my clients to take a few minutes each day and ask how their body is really feeling and what they really need. It doesn’t take long to listen to yourself. It is just taking the time to do it.
Sheryl recently posted…The Poinsettia Holiday Cocktail
I keep a list on the desk next to where I work out so I can write things down as they run across my monkey mind!
That’s awesome that you’ve found something that really allows you to set the day on the right path!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Christmas Weekend of Fun (and King’s Island’s WinterFest)
Thank you for this blog post! I definitely need to do this and listen to myself and ask myself what I need.
I agree, this does make such a difference in my own life as well!
I love this! I always feel like setting a morning intention is probably something I would really enjoy doing, but my morning routine already feels pretty packed so instead, I generally just set an intention for the week in my Desire Map Planner and make sure I’m checking in with that throughout the week.
Katie recently posted…My Holiday Wish List
Interesting. I never would have thought of doing this. I’m a go, go, go kind of person – always have been. I just get up and get to work. Busy, busy, busy!! I think I feel best when I’ve accomplished loads each day and I know I beat myself up when I don’t. I probably need to try this. I can only imagine how much I might grow! And de-stress!!!
Jennifer @ Fit Nana recently posted…OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW!
I would like to get back to setting my intentions for my day. I’ve been slacking lately.
I love this idea! I used to have a planner that had a spot for this.