Hello! Thank you to all of you who have reached out to me with suggestions and/or advice on how to deal with my flight anxiety. It’s really nice to know that I’m not the only person that experiences these crazy feelings!
One of my old co-workers, Terri, suggested I read Many Lives, Many Masters and I rushed over to Barnes&Noble to pick it up right away. I’m open to try anything and everything!
I almost walked away with this massive book as well.
I’m addicted to the Self-Help section.
And I may have gotten a little distracted by this section:
Anyone else obsessed with the 50 Shades Trilogy? No? Just me?
Last night, Hema and I went to her friend Priyam’s house for some wine tasting. She was hosting a girl’s night and was super sweet to include me in their night of fun because she knows that I may be a teeny-tiny bit obsessed with wine.
Wine tasting. In the comfort of your own home.
That’s pretty much like my heaven.
She had a wine consultant come to her house and had a great set-up of cheeses, milk chocolates, and dark chocolates to pair with each wine.
She made some amazing pesto pizza on lavash bread. DELICIOUS. And I’m not just saying that because I was all vino-ed up.
We played Scattergories. And won. Obviously. I do tend to get really competitive when I’m vino-ed up.
It was such a great girls night. It makes me happy to know Hema has such great people in her life! =)
This morning, my jet-lagginess woke me up bright and early.
Hema took me to Dripp in Chino Hills.
Isn’t she the cutest?
I also managed to close the car door on my own finger. So now I am typing sans middle finger – that’s talent, my friends.
I’ve been walking around like this all day.
I also missed out on Joy’s wedding shower today since I ended up staying in Chino longer than expected. I was trying so hard to make it toward the tail end. But then when I got onto the freeway at 2PM with a 1.5 hour drive ahead of me (and the party was going to end at 4), I realized it was probably not going to happen.
I was not a happy camper.
But…ONE MORE WEEK ’til Hawaii!
Let’s chat!
1) What’s your favorite section at the bookstore?
I’m 100% a Self-Help gal. Maybe I just need a lot of help.
2) Are you more of a cheese/wine or a chocolate/wine person?
Gimme all the cheese.
Maureen says
I like wine & ALL THE THINGS!! 😉
Your poor finger!
Maureen recently posted…Smoothie Nation
Divya says
I love that you love all the things! =)
Megan @FitspirationMom says
I don’t have a local bookstore in the town we live in currently, but my kids don’t let me go any further than the kid section when I step foot in one. I would head to the cooking section I think.
Also I’m not a wine drinker, so I’ll take the cheese and chocolate 🙂
Megan @FitspirationMom recently posted…PinkBlush Maternity Review {$25 GC Giveaway}
Divya says
I like the way you think!!
Linz @ Itz Linz says
Scattegories is so fun!! Wine and chocolate vs cheese?? That’s a tough one!! It depends on my mood, I suppose!
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MIZ says
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Jen says
I’m allergic to chocolate so give me the cheese and plenty of wine 🙂 Running and wine are my stress relief!
Jen recently posted…Fun Facts: ABCs
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly's says
I am just a wine person 😉
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