It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about my weekend. It’s been even longer since I’ve done it here on the actual blog and not on Facebook/Instagram. I felt compelled to start doing this again for many reasons – one of which was a conversation I had with my friend, Jen, a few weeks ago.
Several years ago, we did a 13-mile hike at Berry Creek Fall. After the hike, we sat on the beach and watched the sun set. And then, on the drive home, stopped to eat mac & cheese and french fries somewhere.
It was bothering the sh*t out of us that neither of us could remember where we landed that night. Where we deliriously scarfed down chicken nuggets and french fries dipped in ranch dressing.
But I was convinced that I had written it down somewhere. And, lo and behold, I found an old blog post that reminded us that our adventure that day led us to KFC.
It’s insignificant, sure.
But I loved that I had all these insignificant, trivial moments documented.
I mean, that’s why I started this whole shindig in the first place.
I feel like this place has become a little more education-focused. Which is great. I’m happy I have those moments to reflect on because I think they help contribute to my overall development as a teacher and as an educator. But I also like having this space to document the insignificant things. So that six years from now, I can look back and remember where I sat with my friends, stuffing our face with all the carbs.
So, in an effort to return to the origins of Eat Teach Blog, I’m going to share a few snapshots from this weekend!
Three-day weekends are my love language.

On Friday, after work, Jen and I made quite the trek to Cazadero to this bakery she’s been raving about for years. Raymond’s Bakery is “a magical bakery in the redwoods” that serves pizza and wine and has live music in the evenings. Obviously, when I heard pizza, I was sold.
But the morning was even better!

We woke up and walked into the bakery and were immediately served some delicious blackberry flaky tart that was fresh out of the oven.

We sat down to share the tart and started playing a game of Uno. I’d also like to take this time and space to note that I won all 5 games we played, TYVM).
About a half hour later, Mark, the owner of the bakery, walked in. He immediately threw down a tablecloth and a bunch of platters, running back and forth to and from the kitchen, adding freshly baked pastries to the table.

Not only did everything taste great, but I just loved the whole community vibe of the place. Everyone gathered around a table. Kids running around the whole place building forts. It all just felt very home-y and comforting.
I definitely want to go back some day. He shuts down during the winter months so I’m glad I was able to experience it once before they close at the end of October!
After we stuffed our bellies with pastries, Jen dropped me off at the airport so I could spend the rest of the weekend in southern California.

A few hours after I landed, Gina and Tyler and baby Richard came over and I was pretty freaking stoked to meet Richard for the first time! And also really excited to get to see his mama after 1.5 years!

Sunday and Monday
Aside from some quality time with Richard and Gina, I spent a lot of time with the family. I watched Jeopardy with Nani and got my parents addicted to The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I swear, there isn’t a person I know who wouldn’t enjoy that show!

It was also nice to have some down time to get *life* stuff done. I haven’t gotten a haircut in over 2 years. (I feel like I was being silently judged for all my split ends). And I’ve been wanting to get new shoes and clothes for work so I was able to do all that while I’ve been down here.
Now I’m about to hop on a plane and head straight into work. It’s going to be a l-o-n-g day, but so happy to have had the extra day to rest up and mentally prepare for a 4-day week!
Hope you all have a great day!
Question of the Day
What was the highlight of your weekend?
Divya! I’ve missed seeing your posts! I’m glad to see you! I loved the snapshots of your weekend! The highlight of my weekend was drinking wine at a good friend’s bachlorette party 🙂
I was just thinking about you – so I’m glad you’re going to try and blog more. I think it’s great you talk about little life moments and can go back years later and find something. My highlight of the weekend was a Halloween movie night with friends.
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