I haven’t posted in a while.
I made the mistake of thinking I was able to customize and re-design the blog by myself.
And while I was messing around with it, I messed up all the things.
So EatTeachBlog was a disaster this past week. The website and the person.
So, instead of getting scenes from this weekend, you get scenes from the whole week. Lucky you.
- Last weekend, I picked up my shipment from Picchetti. With every shipment comes a little gift. This month, it was a wine bag, big enough to bring 85 bottles of wine to a picnic. Perfect for me.
- I also got a membership to Full Circle, an organic local produce delivery service.
I love the concept for many reasons.
I don’t HAVE to go to the grocery store if I don’t wanna. AND it exposes me to different fruits/veggies that I would typically not try on my own. But it also doesn’t surprise you with something that you absolutely despise. I can make changes or substitutions to my order up to two days before they deliver. I love it.
- I ordered a tent for one of my kiddos who was obsessed with climbing in large boxes. Figured a tent was more appropriate for a first grader.
Turns out he liked the box it came in significantly more than the tent itself. Hahaha. Sometimes I just can’t believe the ridiculousness that is my job. I’m so lucky.
- I bought a food processor months ago. And I have barely touched it. I was chopping garlic earlier today and realized that I wasted a good solid 10 minutes chopping up veggies.
The food processor is a wonderful, wonderful thing.
- I don’t think I’ve ever made a lasagna that’s actually tasted good. I was really excited to use the food processor to dice all my veggies up real itty-bitty. But I think I put too many veggies in because something tastes off. Ugh.
So let’s just hope I can find the time to throw together some quick meals during the week after my box comes on Tuesday! Otherwise, it may be a week of Subway (which I’m not entirely opposed to….)
Good night! 🙂
I would love to have local organic produce delivered to my house! Apples, cauliflower, spinach, sweet potatoes are all staples in our house.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Favorites Lately
UGH! I hate blog problems!!!! I am glad things seem to be OKAY now, but it’s always so frustrating when we “break” things – BLAH!!
My vegetables staples = SPINACH, GREEN BEANS, NORI & Spaghetti Squash (if you consider squash a vegetable, even though it contains seeds so it’s fruit 😉
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted…The Results of a Single-Blind Experiment
ahh I LOVE MY NEW HOMETOWN because of the amazing farmers markets within walking distance (!)
Carla recently posted…What does BRAZEN mean?
That’s true! I love the feeling of going to the farmie. That’s something I don’t think I can give up 🙂 it’s just SO RELAXING and HAPPY!
That is so cool!
I love zucchini, lettuce, peppers (of all colours) and sweet potatoes 🙂
Kierston recently posted…Baking Artisan Bread: A Vessel to Tranquillity.
Ha! One of my fav Yoga studios is named Full Circle ;). I love CSA boxes and food processors- both are so good for nutrtion ;).
Alison recently posted…Chest Unlocking
My food processor is my BFF. It saves sooooo much time!
Veggie staples right now are bok choy, carrots, red bell peppers and celery. I’ve been making lots of stir fry!
Maureen recently posted…In February, I LOVE Mondays
hahahhaa, that’s hilarious that you mention bok choy. Today I was teaching one of my students about the vowel pattern: oy and oi. And I said “can you give me another example of where you’ve heard ‘oy’? And she screams CHOP CHOY THE CHINESE FOOD!
When we lived closer to the city we had an awesome organic delivery service. But we moved 15 miles out and it does not deliver here, so sad!
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly’s recently posted…Weekly Updates 02/03/14 – 02/09/14