Lemme just tell you why a parent of small kids tends to be buried under their 100-item to-do list.
I had a list of things I wanted to tackle today.
And, of course, while making breakfast this morning, Riyu took it upon himself to stamp all over Ishu’s wall.
So in addition to things I wanted to get done, I will also have to add ‘CLEAN WALL’ to my already overwhelming list.
And Riyu likes to be touching me at all times.
If we are on the couch watching Ms. Rachel together, he needs one of my body parts to be touching one of his body parts. (Currently happening. He’s taken over the right side of my body).
So I can’t just sneak away real quick and do a thing in the other room.
Because he will either 1) scream when he realizes I’m not touching him or 2) draw all over the couch or something.
I don’t need a lecture that I will miss this time. I KNOW IT. Remember my “panicky feels” post from last week? I love them being so little.
I’m just saying, this is why most parents of small kiddos have messy homes, smudgy mirrors, and crumbs everywhere. (And, in my case, dark circles under my eyes because hello we are teething very intensely over here and wake up for dudu every 15 minutes starting at 3am).
But thank goodness it’s Monday.
As a SAHM this year, Mondays are my fav in the sense that it feels like a “reset” button I can push. For the apartment. For my brain. All the things.
We had a very very spring-themed weekend. We went and made flower bouquets at Ishu’s school on Saturday morning. And then we celebrated Holi at Navy Pier.
On Sunday, we had some fun at the trampoline park.
And now it’s time for that reset button.
It’s a shame it’s not an actual button I can push, y’know? Ha.
Have a good one!
How was your weekend? What’s the weather like where you’re at?!
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