Good morning!
We’re very much embodying this meme right now.
Ishu passed it on to Riyu passed it on to me.
Ankur’s staying strong for us all. Ha.
We’re mostly fine now. I just lost my voice this weekend and Riyu’s still the teeniest bit congested.
Two weeks of Velcro babies, lots of whining, and me falling apart a couple times.
I’ll do a quick photo dump of our weekend so I can get back to that routine snuggling that’s been expected of me.
(90% of it is pretty wonderful, knowing that my lap is comfort and safety and nurturing for my babies. And then 10% is me wondering WHY I NEED TO BE TOUCHED SO MUCH).
Friday was movie night. And easy dinner night.
Ishu thought it was the coolest dinner. So win win.
Saturday, I took Ishu to gymnastics and then Family Day at the MCA.
The theme was “Cozy Comfy” which was perfect. We did some felting activities, put together a flower bouquet, hung out in the beanbags, and made our own teabags.
In the evening, I met up with some friends at La Josies. Moms night out.
And on Sunday, we went to a friends house to watch the Super Bowl. Well, the first half of the game.
A little bit of rest, a little bit of fun.
And Ankur and I started watching some of the Mission Impossible movies. But I can’t handle that level of action, so I might need to bow out of this. NO THANKS.
And I am still reading this book and this book. One on my Kindle, one on my phone.
(And also very much reading this book endlessly. Riyu’s current favorite).
Okay, I’m off!
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