This weekend, we were in Newport Beach celebrating my mama’s birthday. Ishaan gifted her something special by crawling on her big day!
While we were there, we took advantage of the weather and went on a few walks. I feel like we’re probably supposed to be transitioning from using the car seat in the stroller to putting Ishaan in the stroller as is. I’m sure he’s ready for it. He’s able to sit up and would much prefer to see the outside world rather than his mama’s face. But I like that, when he’s in the car seat and we’re walking in crowded areas, I can cover him up from both sides.
Whatever. I’m gonna keep him in a mama-facing stroller ’til he’s 18 years old.
On Saturday, Ankur and I decided to go on a mini day date around noon. It was around Ishaan’s nap time and he sleeps the b-e-s-t while in the car, so we figured we’d just strap him in and have some time to ourselves.
We went to Trader Joes on PCH to pick up a few things and then went to the Shake Shack to share a shake and fries.

We got home and he was still sleeping so we decided to trek to another grocery store to pick up a few more items. When we got back, he was still sleeping so the three of us sat in the driveway for 25 minutes until he woke up. Little dictator of our days.
After the food digested a bit, Ankur and I did a mini workout in the garage while my mama played with the baby. And then Ankur hopped on a Zoom call with his friends while mama and I made fun cocktails to drink by the Christmas tree.
We ate chicken burgers for dinner and then parked it on the couch with Nani to watch recorded episodes of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune until bed time.
On Sunday, we woke up well rested after two consecutive nights of pretty decent sleep (thanks, Ishu!). Our sweetest Susie Masi had ordered us bagels as a fun surprise.
We made breakfast sandwiches and enjoyed every single bite of it. While we were eating, I told Ankur about how when we were younger and ordered Bruegger’s Bagels, I would only eat half the bagel at breakfast in an effort to “limit my carbs.” But then, throughout the day, I’d sneak into the pantry and rip off pieces of bagels to eat. Which, eventually, led me to eat WAY more bagels than if I just decided to let myself have the full one at breakfast.
Anyway, needless to say, I enjoyed the crap outta my bagel sandwich. Yes, with both halves. It was so filling and yummy and satisfying.
Eventually, we packed up the car and left Newport around noon. After being out of our apartment for over a week, we wanted to have some time to put things away and decompress before Ankur went back to work today.
Before we left the apartment, Ishaan wasn’t yet crawling. When we walked into the apartment after a week away, we quickly realized we needed to create a more baby-friendly space. Ankur and I decided to disassemble our coffee table and put it in the closet. Now our living room is essentially just one big play gym.
We also ordered this gate to contain him a little better. The real adventure begins now. He wants to get into anything and everything. Little monkey.
Once everything was put away, we sat down to eat some food and watched two episodes of Community. We’re almost done with the show and it’s been so fun to watch. I especially liked the seasons with Donald Glover and Chevy Chase.
And now, we’re back to Monday. Ankur’s at work and I’m typing this as baby naps. When he wakes up, we’ll probably head out for another walk. Walks are keeping us happy and sane.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Questions of the Day:
- What did you do this weekend?
- What, if anything, are you binge watching?
- Are you a bigger fan of Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
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