Another weekend has come and gone.
I spent many moments over the past week scoffing at the Divya in August that thought, “Oh, I’m so smart to buy a membership to the Children’s Museum so we can go in the winter when it gets nippy outside.”
Okay, August Divya.
What about the 15-minute walk to the museum? Can’t avoid the cold then.
So, no, August Divya, we are not using the membership. We are staying in the apartment where it’s warm and we have an abundance of rainbow spaghetti and fingerpaint.
On Friday, in between work, we rainbow-spaghetti-ed and put together Ishu’s potty. We also had Pizza Night, ordering delivery from our favorite husband-wife duo.
On Saturday, we had our one big outing of the week.
The three of us bundled up to walk to our car so we could drive over to Costco.
Since we were already out, I felt like I needed to take advantage of the freedom. So we went to this place and picked up some boba before heading home. (I couldn’t go that crazy cause, y’know, toddler nap time and all).
When we got home, I made the fastest quesadilla so I could fill up his belly before he went to bed. And he abruptly and rudely said, “NO.” So he got chips and seaweed and it was off to bed we went.
He’s the boss of me.
When he woke up, we played a little bit of shuffleboard with the Zyrtec cap and then we did some fingerpainting!
Dinner was leftover pizza. And Ishu went to bed at 10pm because his papa let him nap for nearly 4 hours. WOOHOO.
On Sunday, it was our sweet Jiya’s birthday. So the family did a Group Watch party through DisneyPlus and we all watched Encanto together. While Zoom-ing with one another.
I’ve never done a group watch party before, but I love it.
And Encanto was great great great. I want to watch it one more time while Ishu isn’t there so my attention isn’t pulled in multiple directions. But, he actually did pretty decent for the first half of the movie. And for all the songs. Nothing captures his attention more than music.
After the movie, we all stayed on Zoom to watch Jiya cut her cake. Bhabhi was amazing and shipped everyone in the family some Doritos to snack on for the movie (Jiya’s fav snack) and cupcakes (so we could all dig in while she cut the cake). So creative and such a fun COVID-friendly way to celebrate a birthday!
It was also fun watching Encanto – a story about a big, vibrant family – with my own big, vibrant family.
The first thing that made me feel like they were speaking about MY family was the song in the beginning when one of the kids in their community said, “Who’s the sister and who’s the cousin?”
Cause I get that.
Growing up, it was always so confusing for people to understand when I talked about my “brothers and sisters.” People would always ask, “Wait, I thought you only have one sister…”
Which, I guess I do.
But not really.
We’re all brothers and sisters. And it felt like this family in the movie was like mine. Without the magical gifts. I mean, we’ve got gifts of our own, but I can’t lift a piano, y’know?
So that was the bulk of our weekend. If Ankur was writing this blog, he’d add that Klay Thompson’s return from his injury was a highlight of the weekend.
But since this isn’t his blog, I’ll go ahead and say that my last highlight was that the basketball game was on so I could parallel play and read my book.
Questions of the Day:
Have you jumped on board the Encanto train yet?
What is one highlight from your weekend?
I love the big birthday celebration, and that everyone got shipped snacks! How fun is that?? I also really loved Encanto and need to watch it again ASAP!!!
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