Balloon game still going strong over here.
I mean, I knew babies liked balloons. But he Is OBSESSED.
These birthday balloons are seriously the best toy ever.
Anyway, good morning, good morning. We didn’t end up leaving Newport until 3:30pm yesterday, which meant we were stuck in a bit of traffic on the 91 and 60. Oof. I know I’m a suburb girl through and through, but maybe there’s something to this whole city life and not having to drive. That’s one good thing about moving to Chicago, I suppose. I won’t be stuck in bumper to bumper traffic with a screaming baby in back.
(I say that now, but when I have to walk to the grocery store in those winter months, I may eat my words).
When we got home, Ankur was still at work so I was flying solo for bedtime routine.
Sometimes we give him Tylenol for teething. Sometimes we don’t. Last night, it felt like he needed it.
The Infant Tylenol comes in a box with a mama and baby on it. But, of course, like most cardboard things, Ishu puts it in his mouth until they’re nice and soggy and he can take bites of the delicious paper. So we always end up throwing the box away and leaving the syringe and bottle out near his diaper changing pad.
Anyway, I grabbed the bottle and the syringe and came to sit down on the couch. He waddled on over to me, reached for the bottle, and said, “Baby.”
He remembered that this is the bottle that came from the box with the baby on it.
And I gotta say. It never stops blowing my mind to see how he retains information and recalls certain things. Am I always going to be in a perpetual state of awe watching him grow up?
I’ll also probably be in a perpetual state of sleepiness.
Just kidding. He has definitely stopped waking up as frequentlyI The problem is that when he DOES wake up and I have to turn myself on to help him fall back asleep, I have a hard time turning myself off again.
Once I’M awake, it’s not often that I can go back to sleep. Which is beyond crazy because sleep was a skill that I was THE BEST at.
And now I think it’s broken.
The silver lining is I get a few hours to myself in the wee hours of the morning. To blog, journal, read, pee in peace. And that’s pretty great too.
With that being said, I’m going to go back to my book. I’m reading this one right now and it’s a page turner!
Question of the Day:
Are you a city person, suburb person, or rural person?
What are you reading right now?
Balloons are great. For every occasion (birthday, Valentine’s Day, etc.) I buy some for my wife and she smiles as brightly as your boy. Balloons bring out the kid in us.