I keep referring to Ishu as my “four year-old” when I’m talking about him.
Not Ishu, not Ishaan, not my older son.
But “my four-year-old.”
And I think it’s because I’m in denial that in less than a month, we’ll have a FIVE YEAR OLD on our hands.
What a crazy thought.
Around 2:30am, he woke up to pee and then needed to blow his nose. And just grabbed my phone to use as a flashlight (because the bathroom light is too bright in the middle of the night). He took care of it and came back into bed without needing my help. And I just stared at his little face and he looked so BIG to me.
I mean, he still needed some cuddles and love to fall back to sleep. (And, y’know, needed reminders that 2:30AM was not the time to shoot the shit). But, when I watched him eventually drift back to sleep, I noticed his face is just looking so grown. His cheeks have thinned out, his jaw line looks more pronounced. It’s all too much for this mama heart to think about. He’s growing so fast.
Meanwhile, the 1.5 year old is technically a toddler but he still very much reminds me of a BABY.
Although his speech has exploded in the last couple of weeks and I’m very much enjoying him telling me the “happle poss” (applesauce) pouch is “emp-teeeee”. And yesterday was the first time he called his fart a fart and not just “poo poo.”
What is this life.
Anyway, the four year old and the baby and I are having a three-day weekend because hello temperatures are reaching 71 today and there’s no way any of us should be sitting inside.
Hope you all have a good weekend!