The weather has been all over the place. It went from being in the 80s last week to actual SNOW falling this week. It snowed/flurried for about 10 minutes here in Moreno Valley which blew my mind. The temperatures in the morning have been in the 30s and I guess we’re at an elevation where, sometimes, you may see snow?!
It’s also been kind of windy this week. So, there have been some days where we haven’t left the house.
But yesterday, there was sunshine and the temperatures reached the high 50s so we bundled up and went outside.
We are on a mission to visit all the parks in the surrounding area. Though Ishu can’t do much right now other than hang out on the swing, it’s fun for both of us to be outside. And I think it’s nice for him to get to see other kids (if there are ever other kids) on the playground.
This park also happened to be by a Jersey Mike’s. So, obviously, it was our next stop.
I used the app to order (which, again, is probably why I get JM so much. Because all it takes is five clicks and wham, bam, you’ve got a sammie waiting for you). At this point, Ishaan’s eyes were droopy and I knew he was so, so ready for a nap. But I didn’t want him to sleep in the car and be stuck there ’til he woke up so, on the drive home, I made sure to sing REALLY LOUDLY.
It worked.
When we got home, I was trying to hurry, hurry, hurry. I tried to carry the diaper bag, the baby, and the sandwiches all in together. And, naturally, the sandwiches came crashing down.
I might have said something like, “OH DISASTER! SANDWICH DRAMA!” because this kid has Llama Llama books running through my mind all day long.
Anyway, I salvaged what I could and left the rest there for the dogs.
I was really hoping he’d sleep for a solid two hours. I mean, he owed me for trying to turn my sandwich into fertilizer. But, by the time I had picked my way through my dirty sandwich, he was ready to play all over again.
It’s going to be another nice day over here so we’re planning to head to another park, pick up some dry cleaning, and maybe do the whole Jersey Mike’s thing again because the dry cleaners is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to JM. I mean, can you fault me if JM keeps showing up in my life? It’s not my fault.
(I’d like it to be known that I’ve come up with a strategy so that the JM does not end up on the floor. I’ll be putting it INSIDE the diaper bag today. Genius).
Question of the Day:
What’s your favorite sandwich place and what kind of sammy do you get?
I really enjoy the veggie sub from Jersey Mikes! But my all time favorite is the Mediterranean Veggie from Panera! However, the notorious bread place does not have gluten free options for bread, so it has been at least five years since I’ve had that exact sandwich. I’m all for doing copycat versions at home but it is nice to grab something on the go or way home!
Whaaaat? Panera doesn’t have gluten free bread? That seems weird.
Divya @ Eat Teach Blog recently posted…Oh Disaster, Sandwich Drama