I took Ishu out for some 1:1 time with me this weekend.
And when we went shopping, I said he could choose one toy, one game, and one thing that Riyu would like.
He bought this weird crocodile game, an Iron Man mask, and a carrot teether for Riyu.
The carrot teether is currently sitting at my feet (and has been sitting there since the day we brought it home).
And my kids have demonstrated that toys are not needed in this household.
I mean, last night, the two of them played with this long piece of paper for WAY longer than they played with the dumb crocodile game.
A piece of paper.
They shook it around to make noise for Riyu. Crumpled it up. Played tug of war.
They slid around on the floor with it. Danced on it.
Colored it. Used these dot markers on it.
I mean, this paper was our entire evening activity.
So, moral of the story, nobody really needs a toy.
Especially not these kids.
They have excitement about it for 0.5 seconds and then the toy sits on the shelf collecting dust.
Ishu’s back at school today. And, as he was getting ready and grumbling about not wanting to go back to school, Riyu runs over to get his shoes and shoves them into my arms. Like, “HELLO. I’M READY TO GET OUTTA HERE TOO MAN. PUT THESE ON ME!”
Clearly, we’ve been in this apartment for too long.
So, I’m going to take this little monkey out for a walk.
Have a happy Tuesday. <3
Ok I love that crocodile game!! But ru hates it lol. Agree on the lack of need for toys though 🙂