I’ve reached the point where I probs can’t talk about things that I don’t want repeated back at a later (likely inappropriate) time. We are in ultimate sponge mode. His little brain is picking up everything. And, I mean everything.
Not just that. But he’s making inferences about feelings. And understanding context and expanding on things.
A few days ago, Ankur thought he lost his water bottle. He texted from work, asking if I could check the bag we took to the airport. I got out of bed and Ishu started getting frustrated that I left him alone. I explained to him, “I’m just going to check if papa’s water bottle is in the bag.”
He followed me out of the room, trailing me as I went in search of the bag.
“Papa lost his paani bottle. Papa is feeling sad,” he said.
Later that day, he pushed all his dinosaurs from a standing position into a laying down position.
“Dinosaurs are sleepy. They are doing nini,” he explained.
Yesterday, I explained to Ishu that we are likely going to start him in school soon. (Another post for another day). I tried to explain it in the simplest terms possible.
“Mama is going to take Ishu to school and leave Ishu with his new teacher and friends,” I said. “Then, Mama will come back home and do meetings. And then later, after lunch, pick Ishu up from school and bring him home.”
I paused, waiting to see what he’d pick up from that.
“Ishu will take his backpack,” he replied.
I mean, we still have our language mishaps every once in a while. But, even with those, you understand where he’s coming from. (“Ishu will live WITHIN the paci!”). He is oh-so fun. Exhausting and defiant and oppositional and, well, a typical two-year old. But oh-so fun and communicative right now. And I LOVE IT.
Question of the Day:
What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard a toddler say?
I loved it when I said I am going to wear my walking shoes, and Ishu replied You have to wear your walking socks! Love this little munchkin to bits ❤️❤️❤️❤️