Good morning!
My posts have been relatively education-heavy as of late. It wasn’t my intention. But it’s obvious that I’m really missing the classroom. Even though it’s only been a few weeks out of the school system.
This year is going to be a trial. But if this month has been any indication of my feelings toward teaching, I’m pretty confident I’ll be a teacher for the rest of my darn life.
Missing the Classroom
Every educator should be forced to take a year-long sabbatical. They should remove themselves from the classroom and the students. Because when you’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to really tune into your heart and listen to what it wants. You’re just trying to get through each day. Trying to get through each lesson.
But when you remove yourself from the stimulation and the noise, you can hear your heart a little more clearly.
And my heart beats for the classroom.
So I’ll be back.
And, in the mean time, you may have to deal with my excessive chatter about all things education. It’s my way of staying connected with it all.
Special Education in the News This Week:
Sesame Street welcomes Julia – a muppet with autism. This made my heart burst. And they describe her character in a way that children will understand. I love this. So much.
School vouchers are NOT the way to get your child the SpED services he/she needs. Private schools are not protected by IDEA. Private schools are NOT held to the same expectations as public schools.
Sunset Lane Elementary in Fullerton, CA is building a sensory room for their students with sensory needs. (Gosh, I miss California).
Governor of Louisiana wants to exclude disabled students from corporal punishment. While I still stand behind my belief that no students should be disciplined in this manner, I am going to take this as a step in the right direction.
A letter to the parent who’s about to enter their child’s IEP meeting. Written by an individual on the autism spectrum.
Questions of the Day:
- What does your heart beat for? Are you doing what you love?
- What are your thoughts on Julia – the new muppet?
I love this because YOU OOZE PASSION for the classroom and so so many of us spend all our lives trying to find what it is we adore.
My child has ADHD, so I get the whole IEP thing. It is a VERY stressful process and I try to help other parents as much as possible if I can.
I was a special ed teacher for 2 years. I love the thought of Julia! I am now a homeschooling mom. Once a teacher, always a teacher. It’s in us. A gift from God. I pray you hear him as he directs your future! <3
Love hearing your heart! I feel there are many things you can do to fulfill that “teacher” in you while on sabbatical. This blog, of course, being one of them.
It would be great for everyone to remove themselves for a year. I so wish we could actually do this easily. I’m glad you have been refreshed. 🙂
Tonya Wilhelm recently posted…Happy National Bookmobile Day: Wordless Wednesday Style
I definitely see your passion for teaching! I am glad you will get back to it someday! I appreciate your insights too, it helps me understand more about education before my son goes to school!
Beth recently posted…See Bethie Read – Notorious RBG
Such a great post. I currently have a good job, but my heart doesn’t beat for it. This inspires me to take a step back and do some reflection. 🙂
We all feel your passion for teaching through your words. You will be back! I think that this break is exactly what you needed to see where you heart truly is.
I heard about Sesame Street bringing a muppet with autism on the show. That is awesome!
Kim Airhart recently posted…Random Ramblings
Years ago I worked one on one with an autistic boy in a mainstream school and I love the idea of Julia. Autism is often misunderstood and ranges so widely that any way to help educate people about it has to be positive.
Jackie recently posted…The Power of Positive Thinking
Yeah, when I first heard of this happening, I was a little interested to see how they were going to depict a child with autism – because it can vary so much. And people can tend to go a little overboard with the “symptoms” and general characteristics of someone with autism. But I felt that they did a pretty good job.
It’s really lovely to see someone so passionate and have a love for their career instead of it just being about money or climbing up a ladder; it is so refreshing to see. You actually have a passion for your kids and you CARE. So many people get into careers for all the wrong reasons and it really sounds like you’ve found your calling. Good luck getting back to where you want to/need to be.
Lindsay recently posted…Weekend Recap
This is a really good post. I would love to teach one day and feel the same passion as you do. Thanks for sharing
Olubukonla recently posted…Changing Career Feels Like Moving Houses
Because of your passion I know you are an amazing teacher; for me, my heart longs to do more for God’s Kingdom through our church and in our little town. I have not watched Julia, the new Muppet, but, it is my prayer they are not or will not use her or children with autism for personal gain but rather to bring awareness and to help children learn how to cope with a sibling or classmate who may have autism. Visiting you today from Blogging with Heart, God bless you
I love this! My sister is a teacher, and I see that her job is never really done. She is always working at home, thinking about the children, etc. Thank you for the passion, because it truly takes a village. I love when people know their purpose, and they fulfill it.
I love teaching, just not in the typical manner. The old school ways do not work with the kiddos anymore. Off to find my nook. Xoxo
After four years away from the classroom I still sometimes miss it- I taught special ed as well.
This is lovely! My mom is a teacher – I’ll have to send her your way 🙂
I love this post so much! I miss teaching in the classroom too and am praying if I am to go back or not.
I love how dedicated and passionate you are to this profession… I swear, the world needs more teachers like you <3 But I know what you mean about having to step outside and back from the classroom and from the things that you truly love, because sometimes we start to see them in a different light. I'm sure you're using this time to the best of your ability and I have no doubt that you will come back to teaching feeling refreshed and hopeful about the future 🙂
Charlotte recently posted…How we do Passover
I love this <3 I volunteered in the special ed classroom when I was in elementary school.
I love this <3 I volunteered in the special ed classroom when I was in elementary school. You are so right, teachers should take a break to refresh themselves, they work so hard!
I see how much enthusiasm you have for the classroom. And teaching? I know its an undying passion that you shelter deeply with you. It’s what you are what you can’t live without. Well now the classroom can be digital an you can be an e-teacher…more teaching ways for your passion.
That sensory room is awesome! We have one at my school but it isn’t quite that nice. Love the new muppet. I was so excited to see that.
Jessica Bradshaw recently posted…Gender Neutral Baby Shower Ideas
My last school had a sensory room! It was the most amazing place for all of our students with sensory needs! I miss it a lot.
I’m glad you’re seeing so clearly that you’ll be back in the classroom. That’s awesome – the kids who get to work with you in the future are lucky to have a teacher like you!
lisa recently posted…Bacon and Egg Biscuit Bake
There are many teachers in my family and they all love their kids and the work. Taking a break is essential, in every profession too.
I just watched a video about Julia. I think its wonderful. What an amazing thing to teach children.
I love Julia and think it’s high time that Sesame Street had such a muppet. I would like to see more muppets with impairments so that children will not be frightened when they do see someone different than themselves. I love that you love the class room (or really the kids within). Too many teachers that I know of went into teaching not because they loved teaching, but because they loved having their summers off and holidays through the year. Not the right reason to become a teacher in my humble opinion. Hope you are back soon, the kids I’m sure miss you too!
Olivia Morris recently posted…How to: Carefree Gardening or Bring on the Containers
I’ve been excited about the addition of the autistic character to Sesame Street since I first heard the news a few years ago! Can’t wait to see how they carry out this awesome, awesome idea. I had the chance to work at a school for autistic students for a few months, and I saw firsthand how many symptoms of autism would be so difficult for other kids to comprehend. Exposure to this sadly common disorder from a young age – in a happy, accepting tone – is so key to empathy!
Robin recently posted…Do Soulmates Exist?
Oh wow – what a great initiative from Sesame Street! I’m glad Louisiana is taking a step in the right direction… and I know we’ve talked about it before, but I seriously can’t believe it’s still legal in some states in the US at all. Especially given it’s been illegal here now for about 30 years…!!
Dominique recently posted…Third Time Lucky
I agree with you on school vouchers. It hasn’t ever worked in Michigan.
I know that you’re going to find your way back to the classroom! I hope the break helps you return refreshed and more excited about teaching than ever.
Rose recently posted…Facebook Groups for Bloggers: Pinterest Sharing Tips
I love the addition of Julia! It makes me SO happy seeing that they took that step, and handled it so well!
Britt |
I love the idea of including Julia in Sesame Street. That would make other kids understand why a certain kid acts differently. It would also be great for a child with autism to know that they are just like any other kid.
It was great to be updated about the special ed news this week. I agree with you, educators should be given a break to rediscover their joy of teaching and also to take time out for themselves 🙂
Khushboo recently posted…An unexpected little guest on the Turkish Airlines’ flight
I teach in England and absolutely love it. I adore your passion for teaching and I’m glad you’re doing something you love. I often think of taking breaks from the classroom or perhaps go into supply teaching for a while because of the stress that teaching brings along with it…the problem? I can’t seem to peel myself away! Thank you for sharing your passion with us, it was a great read! <3
The best teachers are the ones with a passion for what they do. You obviously have that passion. Don’t worry you don’t need a classroom to be a teacher, all you need is the student.
Bel recently posted…How To Love
This is a great perspective. I am not a teacher but I can imagine becoming overwhelmed. A sabbatical is a great solution to reset and return.
It’s always good to step away from the situation, take a breathe, and get a new perspective.
You sound like you have so much passion for education, I hope you get back to the classroom soon! I can see why educators need time away, it is a lot to handle on a daily basis!
Marisa recently posted…Disney Pixar Cars 3- Road to the Races Tour- San Antonio, TX
I love that you found something that you love so much. That is so important! What a blessing to take some time too.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Easy Black Beans & Rice
I love the fact Sesame Street has Julia. My daughter is high functioning autistic so she will most likely love watching Julia! Julia might be a tad bit more lower functioningbthan her, but still a relatable character!
Taking a sabbatical is a great idea for any educator. Unfortunately, it is not always financially possible to do so.
Toughcookiemommy recently posted…Are Your Kids Getting Enough Physical Education? #ProtectPE @Voices4HK #Ad
You are so true about leaving the classroom. You can get so overwhelmed as a teacher, and burn out is so real.
Danielle recently posted…DIY Dress {Part Two}
Oh my gosh I had no idea corporal punishment was still an issue in any 1st world country!
As the wife of a private, Christian school teacher, I obviously feel a little bit differently about the voucher system than you do, BUT I will admit that many private schools are not well-equipt for special needs. Some are, because they (as an individual school) have set the bar high for special-needs issues, and I hope that the rest of the schools can start to follow suit.
Love your passion for the kids and the classroom. I know that is a blessing to the kids you teach and will continue to be when you get back into the classroom setting.
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