The little guy’s got some congestion so this mama was up all night with every little sound he made. We did some nursing sessions in the bathroom with the hot water running to get the room all nice and steamy. We slept next to a cold mist humidifier. I had him up at a slight incline. I used some saline spray drops. And, to be honest, I think he slept fine. It was mostly me being hyperaware of every noise he made.
He sounded like a little sheep all night.
It was only a matter of time ’til he caught this little cold that Ishu had. Because, despite us talking to Ishu about germs and reminding him to not kiss the baby on the face, he can’t seem to control himself. Ha.
Last night, while Ankur and I were in the kitchen, Ishu was looking for a black clip. I told him to go grab it from under the bed and, after a few minutes of him being gone, I went into the bedroom looking for him. And, just as I suspected, he was up on the bed kissing his baby brother over and over.
Earlier in the day, he was all up in the baby’s face so I thought I’d try redirecting him.
“Ishu, come do that to mama instead,” I attempted.
“But I love the baby, not you,” he replied.
Trying not to take offense to my 3-year old’s remarks, I said, “But you can love the baby AND me.”
“I love the baby and Papa and Dadi,” he shot back.
“But not me,” I said, filling in the unspoken words.
He looked at me and casually agreed. “No, not you.”
“Not me today,” I repeated.
“Not you today,” he paused. “What day is it today?”
“Wednesday,” I said.
“Yeah, I don’t love you today. But maybe on Sunday.”
So I’ll be over here waiting ’til the weekend so my 3-year old will give me some love and attention. Ha. HOW IS YOUR WEEK GOING?
Love this one.
So so cute & innocent lil Ishu❤️❤️