Good morning! It’s another early morning over here because we are heading out in a bit to drop Juan off to the airport. He leaves around 10AM and the rest of the bridal party will be flying in at that time. Jen and I will most likely go pick them up and do a Costco run for the rest of the week. I woke up to the sound and smell of humid rain. I love waking up here! 🙂
Yesterday we started off the day pretty early since it was Juan’s last day here and we wanted to go do and see as much as we could. We rummaged around in the fridge and came up with a pretty delicious breakfast: toast, cream cheese, avocado, and Tapatio. We also realized that this is why everyone is so damn fit in Hawaii. They’re all probably starving because it costs $85 for a piece of bread.
After a quick breakfast, we stopped at the grocery store because I needed to get nailcutters and Band-aids. I have this nasty looking blister that’s somehow managed to take over the entire bottom of my foot so I look like a grotesque monster-lady. I tried cutting it off and it didn’t work. So that’s fab. I also need to get a pedicure before the wedding and I refuse to sit down in their spa chairs with my nasty monster foot staring at them. Scissors? Should I try cutting it off?
Anyway, moving on because it’s starting to get nasty.
Jen and I also walked away with our own pair of snorkels. We should have just bought them earlier because it was 10 bucks to buy and I spent 15 bucks to rent them when we went two days ago. I’m pretty excited about this purchase. I’m probably going to start using them in the bathtub.
After our snorkel purchase, we stopped briefly at Turtle Beach to see if the sea turtles were sunbathing and/or feeding on the shore.We weren’t able to catch a glimpse of any but it was fun chatting it up with one of the volunteers at the beach. They have volunteers who sit on the beach for a couple hours each day to make sure that people aren’t pissing off the turtles. The girl seemed really knowledgeable and super passionate about turtles. I would love to retire and do something like that. Giving back to the world by spending a few hours at the beach and yelling at all the crazy tourists? Sign.Me.Up.
We started our drive to Waikiki but got a little distracted along the way.
The Green World Coffee Farm was incredible. They do all their own roasting and sell products that are made locally.
Even their famous popsicles are made by some dude down the street. I love it.
I got some locally grown Lychee Jelly for my parents. I’m not a huge fan but I think they’ll really like it.
After several detours and distractions, we made it to Diamond Head and hiked to the top. It was a pretty short hike overall, but it was CROWDED. The hike itself wasn’t anything great, but the view from the top was absolutely worth it.
After our hike, we drove to Waikiki and met up with Chantra for lunch. Chantra is another friend from UniCamp and he flew in for the wedding as well. Chantra, Joy (the bride), Monica (another bridesmaid) and I were all in the same UniCamp session in 2006.
Fun Fact: I have never been sunburned in my life until this trip. Another fun fact: I’m not actually cold. I’m using the towel to wrap myself up because every time someone touches my back, I want to punch them in the face.
We searched long and hard for a place for lunch and ended up at Tropics Bar and Grill. I ordered the Kalua Chicken Sandwich which was topped with papaya relish and goat cheese. It was good. Not great. Good. But I was starving so I ate the whole thing like I enjoyed the crap out of it.
After lunch, we drove over to Lanikai Beach which is where they filmed Lost. It was BEAUTIFUL but we only put our feet in because there are Portuguese Man-of-War (jellyfish) and stinging seaweed in this particular area during the months between June-September. Juan threw his snorkel gear on and went in a little deeper, but as the water started to get murky, he decided to get out too.
After another wonderful day, we were exhausted and hungry yet again. We went to The Fat Greek and ordered the Souvlaki Chicken. Delicious.
Now I must get up, get packed, and get ready for another day. Livin’ the hard life here, my friends.
Haha hard life, right. Looks absolutely breathtaking!
Meredith @ DareYouToBlog recently posted…Listen to Podcasts
Lychee jelly and coffee popsicles? So grabbing next time I go. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pics!
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