Today, I woke up to find out that 12 people were killed in a movie-theatre shooting in Aurora, Colorado. And several more were severely injured. For the most part, I try to understand where others are coming from. I try to be objective and non-judgmental when I see or hear things. I want to be able to view people and events from different perspectives – knowing that there’s a reason behind why people do what they do. Knowing that there’s more than one side to every story. But it’s really, REALLY hard for me to see the other side of the events that took place last night. Why would someone do something like this? Why were so many innocent lives taken? I can’t understand it. I don’t understand it. And I don’t think I’ll ever understand it. All I know is that with each tragedy, I am hit with the reminder that life is short…that life is too precious to take for granted. Those little things aren’t worth bitching and complaining about. Pour that energy into what matters. And love life. Every day. Because it may be taken from you unexpectedly.
“Today started with me going to the auto shop to get something checked and i’ll end up with a $500 bill. i walked a mile in the hot sun to get to a starbucks to do work. then i saw your post and realized that i have the luxury to feel stress, anger, sadness, physical discomfort. and i’d gladly take all of that in exchange for another day to smile, laugh, be with friends and family.” – Chantra
“I want to live everyday like it’s my last, without feeling that at any moment, the choice to live is no longer in my hands.” – Arjun
My love and prayers go out to Aurora victims and their friends/families.
I saw this on the news when I got home from work last night and I’m constantly amazed (although I should not be) at the level of hatred one person can have and the effects of that hatred on people just living their lives…
Well said, thank you. I agree on all counts and I am so grateful for all that I have.
Today was day #2 of Ramadan. And as hard as it was I feel so grateful and lucky and this post was a great reminder of that.