Good morning, everyone! We’ve got another Snow Day today! I know the rest of the east coast is shaking their fist at us Tennessee folks because it hasn’t snowed since Friday and there is very little snow left on the ground. However, the emergency professionals have indicated that it’s unsafe to drive right now and who’s going to question a day off? Not me.
Anyway, my Monday morning blog post is going to take a different turn today. Normally, I post on Mondays with some weekend snapshots. But, considering 98% of my weekend was spent curled up on the couch, I don’t have much to show for it. Instead, I’ll update you on what’s been happening around here as of late.
As always, play along in the comments or link up your own “January Lately” posts to the link-up below!
Reading Lately:
Halfway through this book. I keep getting distracted because I like to research all the people he mentions in his book. Darn you Google for being so accessible and information-filled.
Watching Lately:
I’m on the last and final season and I’m getting emotional that it’s coming to an end. I want all the characters to be my real life friends. Especially Ron Swanson.
Trying Lately:
To stay warm. Aside from my initial jaunt in the snow, I’ve been cooped up at home with multiple layers and multiple heaters on. Call me crazy, but I don’t do well in the cold.
Cooking Lately:
Still doing the whole dump-and-devour thing. Cooking has taken a back seat this month and I’m a-okay with it. As long as I manage to get some veggies in my system, I’m a happy camper.
Eating Lately:
Despite my grocery run to stock up on all the things, we actually ran out of a few items. So on Saturday we ordered a pizza. And Sunday we had Subway for lunch and dinner. Oops. Oh well. You live and you learn.
Drinking Lately:
Snow days call for hot chocolate. The old-school kind. The kind that comes with those fake marshmallows that taste like the marshmallows in Lucky Charms.
Tweeting Lately:
Tweeting about Facebook. Is that even allowed? Is Jack Dorsey going to deactivate my account? Do you like my use of hashtag mid-tweet? And my short URL? I’M A MILLENIAL. (<—except if I’m being honest, I’ll have you know it took me about 15 minutes to figure out how to shorten my URL).
Going Lately:
To Subway. We were there for a total of 10 minutes. Except it took about 10 minutes to put on layers to go out. And then another 10 minutes to remove the layers once we got back home. So it felt like quite an adventure.
Loving Lately:
I’m loving SO many things. You can go check out last week’s Things I’m Loving post. Or head on over to the Things I’m Loving archives and see them all. Love. Love. Lots of love. I love a lot.
Discovering lately:
I have spent the last day or so watching modules and reading up on SEO and how to better optimize my images and blog posts for search engines. I’ve been blogging since 2012, but there’s still so much I don’t know. I really appreciate this program in particular because Robin and Lesly (the masterminds behind it!) go above and beyond to break things down – step-by-step – and then will answer any questions you may have on their Facebook group. I love having a group of people to turn to when I get stuck. Because I get stuck a lot. So this course has been really helpful in my development as a blogger! If you’re interested, you can check them out here.
Smelling Lately:
When the heater is constantly on, my throat and nose have a tendency to get quite dry. Thankfully, we’ve got this diffusing every single night. I love the way it makes our room smell and, more importantly, I love the way it makes me feel right before going to bed and when I wake up in the morning!
Craving Lately:
But, honestly, when am I not craving french fries? Especially the kind that are covered in garlic. YUM.
Question of the Day:
Now it’s your turn! Pick a few “Lately” prompts above to answer below!
- What are you cooking lately?
- Listening to lately?
- Craving lately?
Link up your own “January Lately” posts below!

I wish you a Happy New Year !!
Good evening.It is 8:30 pm Japan time http://9th.How do you do?Have you visited Japan?Japan is a small island country.But many wonderful history is still inherited.Please visit my page by all means,
Greetings from snowy MA. I’m also a teacher and have been blogging since 2012. I started following on Bloglovin’ from the Boost FB group. Nice to meet you! Happy 2017. Stay warm! Spring is about 70ish days away.
Kelly recently posted…Ahora 20: Currently
Why haven’t I thought to bust out the hot chocolate for the winter? It’s so cold here right now. That sounds great! You’ve been doing lots of neat things over at your place!
Liz Mays recently posted…Sonker, It’s a North Carolina Thing
I enjoyed 10% Happier too. I don’t meditate, but I did start the habit of deep breathing and saying a quick prayer. I’m trying to overcome the bad habit of chewing the inside of my cheek. When I start biting, it’s mindless. When I find myself doing it, it’s because of stress, so I stop, breathe, and pray, asking for peace of mind. It’s working awesome!
Your meal prep looks great! And now I’m craving hot chocolate. Stay warm and safe!
Enjoy your other snow day!
I drink a lot of hot chocolate during the winter too. And your food always looks so good!
Amber Myers recently posted…Because She Asked Me To
I thought of you when it snowed and wondered how you were handling it! Sounds like you are doing just what we Kentuckians do, snuggle up inside as long as you don’t run out of food, lol! Love your ‘lately’ posts!
Elizabeth @ Ellie and Elizabeth recently posted…What’s on my bedside table…A Book List and Review
I love hot chocolate, particularly on a cold winter day. And I love one-pot recipes that don’t dirty tons of stuff.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…Data Recovery Software vs. Professional Recovery Services
I spent half the weekend on the sofa too! Unfortunately it wasn’t snowing, but raining the whole time! I love the sound of the 10 percent happier book. I must go check it out. Thanks for the tip!
I love hot cocoa!!! And being in Buffalo, NY i can definitely feel ya on the freezing cold weather. I think being in a blanket on my couch is my favorite place to be in this cold weather.
Amy recently posted…Why make a Vision Board?
Another snow day! You’re so lucky. Stay nice and warm.
Jackie recently posted…Why I Never Make New Year’s Resolutions Anymore
I’m kind of obsessed with hot cocoa. 🙂 Parks an Rec is a great show to binge watch.
Jessica (@loveyoumoretoo) recently posted…Jump Rope Workout
I love this! It’s like a peek into someone else’s life. I’m currently reading The Last Star and my favorite song lately has been Work song.
Omg I wish that much snow meant a snow day for us in Canada. I don’t think I have ever had a snow day to be honest. I love watching park and rec.
Parks and Rec is our go-to Netflix series when we’re not binging anything else. We’ve probably gone through the entire series 4 or 5 times now. It’s almost like comfort food.
And the jokes are funny every time. 😀
Matt @ Sprinkles and Sawdust! recently posted…Easy, Inexpensive Winter Decor Ideas
Happy snow day!! We got a foot here in Massachusetts – our first big storm of the season. I love it, especially because my dog loves snow so much 🙂 Enjoy Parks & Rec, it’s truly one of the best shows of all time!! I cried during the last episode because I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the characters 🙁
Robin recently posted…How I Came to Be a Writer
I’m waiting for that book at the library! I’ve been hearing a lot about that bread but haven’t been able to find it near me.
Enjoy the snow!
These are all great things you have found and the month isn’t even over yet. Hope you have a great new year.
Hey there from Chicago! It’s freezing here. But most folks here are used to it – all except me that is. Hot chocolate? yes please!
Cooking some chicken enchiladas tonight and catching up on Chicago MD and Chicago Fire.
After all the Christmas party food consumed, Subway sounds like a healthy start for a brand new year. I’m currently craving for pecan pie!
Yay for another snow day! Those are the best!
Penny Struebig recently posted…Weekending – January 6, 2017
I love that hot chocolate! I have been drinking it for days since we have been snowed in out in West Virginia. I will have to add that book to my “to read” list.
Oh! I just did a Life Lately post today, too! UH!! LOL… this was me over the weekend, too. though I had to make a trek to bring Buster (our pup) to his other home (we coadopted him with another couple) and my goodness… he looked at my bf and I like “what do you mean, get in this freezing cold car! I can’t believe you wouldn’t warm it up for me!” Yes, our dog is a diva.
Subway would maybe get me out of the apartment too. I love their veggie sammies 🙂
PS: You look adorbs all bundled in your scarf!
Charlotte recently posted…Currently, the January edition
I love this post – and your bit about the hot chocolate marshmallows tasting like Lucky Charms! Just that little bit sent me on a search for some “all charms” Lucky Charms so that I can make hot chocolate with charms for my kids. 🙂 Thanks for the idea!
Author Brandi Kennedy recently posted…Monday Minute: Are Photos REALLY That Important?
Oops, almost forgot to say that I love the whole idea of this post too, the “Lately” theme is really cute! Do you plan on making it a monthly feature?
Author Brandi Kennedy recently posted…Monday Minute: Are Photos REALLY That Important?
Parks and Rec is one of my favorite shows!! Such a fun lighthearted show!
I like me some of that Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows in the winter.
Roy Miller recently posted…Where To Find Amazing, Free Images For Your Blog Or Social Media
LOVE Swiss Miss hot cocoa! Takes me back to being a kid! And I’m curious about that book you’re reading. Besides being distracted by wanting to learn more about the people in it, did you like the overall vibe?
We are on day 2 of the snow days here also, but I still had to work. BOO! As for what I’m cooking lately, I made a killer chicken pot pie type thing last night that I’m loving on! 🙂
Callie recently posted…Great Blogs You Should Be Following!
Man at present I’m craving any food I don’t have to cook. Feeling sluggish as of late. Probably the cold weather.
Shopgirl Anonymous recently posted…Retail Armageddon: 4 Reasons Amazon is Not to Blame
The idea is great, the way you do it. I actually was looking for a book you gave me one. Keep on going. You have one new subscriber right here because the way you write really makes me wanna read your blog. Really great!!
What a great idea! I’ve been reading “The Girl in Cabin 10 lately” kinda creepy. I’ve been eating Blue Apron meals lately, pretty yummy. And I’ve been trying to stay dry lately. It is very rainy in California right now.
I love the simplicity of your site! I have Celiac Disease so my cooking is very limited. However, I am craving a pizza!! I so wish I could have that!
What a fun post! And yay for snow days. I used to love getting them when I was in Alabama. Being in Florida we don’t get those.
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh recently posted…Spicy Pork Burgers
I’ve been wanting to read that “10% Happier” for awhile – do you like it?
-Clarissa @ The View From Here
What a great post ! I love this cooking idea about Veggies! Plus that hot chocolade! I love it !
Ada recently posted…What To Eat in Berlin
My electric blanket and space heater were sure working hard to keep one room nice and toasty this weekend! The cats appreciated my efforts. 🙂
Sheila Jo recently posted…New year, new clogging goals!
I love posts like this!
The book you are reading looks good..How is it?
Subway is great because you can make it in to two meals haha… I am always craving french fries too 😛
And lately I have been listening to Madonna’s, Rebel Heart…It gets stuck in my head.
Stay warm!
I love posts like this!
The book you are reading looks good..How is it?
Subway is great because you can make it in to two meals haha… I am always craving french fries too 😛
And lately I have been listening to Madonna’s, Rebel Heart…It gets stuck in my head.
Stay warm!
Like Sheila, my electric blanket has been my great firned for a very long time especially now that the weather is aweful.
Anosa recently posted…{Fashion Monday} Embrace the season
I have been drinking a ton of hot chocolate lately too! And trying to stay warm … I need Spring to get here soon!
Kimberly recently posted…Weekending 1.0
What a fun post. I’ve been eating lately… we call it “use it or lose it” and it’s cleaning out the fridge/freezer. And, it’s working! I’ve been listening to lately the song, “four dirty paws”. A great song.
We’ve been dealing with the cold too and it really makes me want to get in my warm bed and not come put until spring. Where is summer?
Very engaging post, Divya!! You really had a great day though 😉 🙂
I am now craving french fries! With garlic, or vinegar, or dill dip!! Yea for little snow and snow days. I wish we had a little now! How are you liking the !0% happier book?
Yum, everything looks great. Saturday’s snow day was super well needed. Lately I’ve been craving anything unhealthy. Which is not a new thing at all.
I’ve never read 10% Happier, it looks like an interesting book…Hot chocolate is our favorite during the winter months. We also like making floats with them too.
Tasheena @ recently posted…Valentine’s Day Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Those fries look amazing… so that’s what I’m craving now! We have a local restaurant that makes the best salt and vinegar fries with a garlic aioli dipping sauce. Ok, now my mouth is watering! I need to learn to make those at home!
Everyone tells me to watch parks and rec! I really need to try it. I love AmY!
I just started it a few weeks ago and have already binge watched it to the very last season! Oops! Netflix – 1. Divya – 0.
yay! your all ready for winter with your scarf and hot coco coco !
You have snow! send some our way, it’s just a bit rainy here! sounds like it has been a good January so far! i love parks and rec!
Charlotte recently posted…8 Examples Of Positive Parenting Styles Online
I love the way you write– so honest and open! Thanks and keep up the great work!
Thanks for your sweet words <3
Gave into cravings last night and had fries. I had been snowboarding for 90 minutes so I thin I earned them.
Sometimes you just gotta give in to your cravings! I find that if I don’t, I tend to eat until I actually do. Hahaha 🙂 Better to save myself the trouble of eating my way through my cabinet and just get to what I really want!
I am loving this blog lately! 😉 I am so happy I stumbled on your blog, girl! It is fun and bright. Can’t wait to read more of what is happening “lately” 😉
Thanks so much for your kind words <3
Hopefully there's some action happening over here soon, because these snow days are keeping me put!
Haha! If I am not craving french fries, my hubby needs to take me to the doctor. I am always happy about french fries :p
In Charlotte, stuff is just icy around here. It snowed Friday night, but that was it. But I am still sooooo cold. lol.
Kristin recently posted…Why Taking Baby Steps is the Key to Success (Mug-spiration Monday)
Those French fries look awesome! Now I want to buy some to make at home and smother them with garlic. 😁
Qof the D:
WHat am I cooking?
Soups and Stroganoffs! It’s too cold to do the usual new years resolution lose weight foods! lol!
How is 10% happier? I listen to the podcast but haven’t read the book yet. Do you recommend it?
I like it! I feel like the podcast, Happier, has become a little repetitive, so it’s a new take on specific things we can do to be more mindful each day!
Hi! Welcome back! Hope you had a happy vacation. Love this lately post. It’s a wonderful idea and got me thinking of what I’m into these days. Well…let’s see…lately I’ve been baking lots of pastries and bread. Last weekend I made danish pastries that would go into my total fail folder lol. And I dunno, after the holidays I found myself digging deep into the archives of my iPod and listening to old faves like Jack Johnson and Julia Fordham 🙂 Have a happy week!
What a fun post! It has been so cold here lately, I have been hunkered down in the house too. I have been baking and cooking alot though which is fun!
I don’t do well in the cold either and I’ve also been drinking my Swiss Miss With Marshmallows! 🙂
Briana Marie recently posted…Make Money from Home! Legitimate Work-From-Home Options
Oh man I love the south snow days hahaha…thats lucky! I’d take the snow day without question too!
I also always crave fries…they are my favorite!! That book sounds interesting Ill have to check it out!
Heather @ Polyglot Jot recently posted…4 Year Anniversary
Cooking lately since it’s cold is soup! Craving lately probably food I can chew versus slurp. I’m listening to Alexa and reading a lot more lately.
Rose recently posted…Pinch me box
Omg now you have me craving a glass of hot chocolate!!!! I think I have some in the kitchen so I’m going to have to make some
It’s so cold, even in Florida! Luckily it’s suppose to warm up and we don’t get snow. I like all your choices to keep you occupied! Stay warm!
Beth ||
Beth recently posted…Best Dressed at the 2017 Golden Globes
This was a fun post! Love to hear everything you’ve been up to lately. I want to read that book! Its been on my list of things to buy for my kindle! Will have to do it this month!
I’ve heard a lot of great things about that book. I think this is the third place I have heard it mentioned in the past few days. I’m going to have to check the library!
Heather recently posted…Using One Word to Facilitate Goal Setting in the New Year
I LOVE that you’re watching Parks and Rec… that is one of my absolute favorite shows of all time! My best friend started watching it from the beginning recently, and I told her that I was so jealous that she got to watch it for the first time haha! Enjoy!
You’ve been up to a lot of great things lately. I’m not enjoying the cold at all.
Snow! I wish we had some more of that over here in Texas! Staying warm and cozy sounds perfect. I love your lately post! Especially the book you’re reading. Glad to know there are other book lovers out there! I love the idea behind your post, looking forward to more!
breathe is one of my favorite oils!!! i like to diffuse eucalyptus too!
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…Friday favs
Love the style of this post! Might have to do this myself! I guess one of my “lately’s” has been spending more time with the kids and doing more activities to get them to learn new things! We’ve started a preschool homeschooling course, going to be jumping into swim lessons and doing a lot more board games lately!
Steven Goodwin @ MyFamilyOnABudget recently posted…This New Year’s Resolution: Get Out of Debt
Am not yet pregnant (oh I wish I am!).but recently ive been craving for sashimi, sushi, and more makis paired with red wine. Makes my day so complete 🙂
What a fun post!!! I am drinking a lot of chai tea lately!!! And craving thin crust pizza!
Mine would be “Tired Lately” ~ ugh! Just feeling sluggish this month and hoping I do not get sick; the real flu is going around at my work bad right now 🙁 Need to find my “thing” to get my butt in gear 🙂
Michelle Catallo recently posted…Kids In The Kitchen II: Apple & Blueberry Fritters
I’ve been cooking a lot of pasta dishes lately. I have been listening to a lot of nature music lately like ocean sounds and just nature in general lol. I have been craving root beer floats and I had one earlier because I couldn’t take it.
Isaly Holland |
I really liked this post! It is a great way to share some of your favorites without using the over-used word of “favorite”. Parks & Rec is great!
Parks & Rec is literally one of my favorite shows! Also hot chocolate is on repeat in this household BEST THING for this cold!
Silvia recently posted…Work it out Girl
We had a magical weekend in Hoi An, Vietnam. We explored the preserved, ancient city and the beautiful countryside. We met lots of farmers and water buffaloes while roaming around. It was like a living post card fairy tale.
The Travel Ninjas recently posted…9 Romantic Things To Do in Bali That Don’t Break the Bank
Look at that snow! It’s so pretty, but I’m such a wimp when it comes to actually living in cold weather. The hot chocolate with those itty bitty marshmallows is a great way to keep warm!
Sandra recently posted…Healthy Red Enchilada Sauce For All Your Latin Dishes
mmmm, swiss miss cocoa and good food on the stove! sounds like a great weekend to me! I don’t know how you do the Good Seed Bread, though, it is pretty tasty with butter but it is almost a whole meal in a slice with how filling it is!
Brandi Puga recently posted…Mother Of The Year Contest – LOST
Those who live in non snow states want snow so bad and those that have it just do not want it =) however a swiss cocoa would be nice to enjoy we have had very cold weather in FL lately.
It sounds like you’ve been having a pretty cosy indoors month! LOVE that photo with you with snow on your head wrapped up warm, and that hot chocolate…. those fries! Yum!
Elizabeth recently posted…Curried Butternut Squash Soup
Hey, I love your blog posts. I like how we get to see what you’re up to, very nice way of blogging! I haven’t cooked much of anything today, I ordered Chinese instead. I know it’s bad for me but I was really craving an egg roll earlier. I’ve been listening to Christian music. And for craving, besides the egg roll, I really want home baked cookies because I can never get those in college unless they are the overpriced insomnia cookies lol.
Tina recently posted…10 Tips on How to Stay Motivated Even When You Have Setbacks
That’s awesome! I used to watch Parks and Recreation, I’m behind the seasons now. Who doesn’t crave fries, right? It’s the best side/snack in the world!
I have been cooking in my Air Fryer lately.
New Year resolution to lose some weight and
this Fryer surely is helping. Lost about 3 pounds in a week.
Loved reading your post today.
Enjoyed the comments from all your blog readers.
Did you notice your following is increasing every day.
You write so well dear Divya.
Good Night!!
Fun to see the 10% happier book .. I’ve been reading it too and it’s great 🙂
What a nice post! Glad to know all about this. French fries filled with garlic are perfect tbh;) Always make my stomach rumble.
I have been meaning to watch parks and recreation for a while as I have heard that it is good. I love to eat too lol.
I love this idea! Such a fun blog post, especially for long “lazy day” stretches. Plus the “eating lately” aspect of this post might encourage me to eat better if I know someone is watching, ha! Though to be honest, I’d take a huge plate of those garlic fries any day!
Beth | Adventuring the Great Wide Somewhere recently posted…Getting Lost At the Musée du Louvre
This is a fun idea for sharing all about you! I always love your lately cravings! And am a fan of Parks & Recreation!
Happy snow day! I’ve been craving fries lately too, they are so good! And hot cocoa is my favorite way to warm up in winter too!
Jamie recently posted…Flourless Peanut Butter and Jelly Breakfast Cookies (low sugar)
I really want to watch Parks and Recreation – all my friends are obsessed with it. Also, I can’t believe I’ve never tried garlic fries!
There is nothing like those fake marshmallows! Love them. Glad you are staying warm– it’s freezing in Asheville too and the snow is still everywhere!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Makena Rose’s First Snow
I am right there with you trying to stay warm and drinking hot chocolate! I am pretty much over winter already. Love Parks and Recreation! Such a good shoe for some great laughs.
Emily recently posted…DIY natural wood shelf
I had a binge of Parks & Rec a few days ago myself. It’s just one of those shows I can always laugh at and enjoy. Amy Poehler is hilarious!
I think that book’s interesting! I’d love to learn more about it. I’ve never watched Parks and Recreation, but I’ve heard so many good things about it. It would be nice to marathon that one of these days!
Amanda Love recently posted…15 Photos to Take of Your Kids During Winter
You are a woman after my own heart! I love that hot chocolate with the crunchy marshmallows. And I have both of those essential oils. Going to start the diffuser now.
Vicky recently posted…Making the Most of Feeding Time
Cooking lately: lots of stirfry in my new wok.
Craving lately: carb everything!
Loved the post!
I’m all for hot chocolate during the cool months. It’s always been a childhood tradition.
Fatima Torres recently posted…What Will Be Your Next Jersey?
Ahh I love Parks and Rec! Such a great show!
Jennifer Corter recently posted…It’s The Little Things In Life
Sound like a cold but interesting month. xxx
Anna nuttall recently posted…How I earned my first £100 from Blogging
Those French fries look amazing and your meal planning is impressive!!
Snow days are ones that you cherish if you can! I am with you that enjoying some hot chocolate sounds perfect.
I got a lot of chestnuts so trying to figure out chestnut latte recipe. Lately, I am trying to cook Mexican and Italian dishes.
I am not a huge snow person but I will take the snow day if I can. Sounds like you have enjoyed what time you have had.
I have only watched a few episodes of Parks and Rec, but I need to get back into watching this show. It was so interesting!
A snowy weekend all cozy on the couch sounds awesome. I’m envious of your Parks and Rec viewing – Netflix in Canada doesn’t carry it :/ Hopefully I’ll get to binge watch the season soon.
Yum the good looks good. I’ve enjoyed going behind the scenes this afternoon.
Here on the West Coast, everything is shut down too, but because of rain. Yes, rain pretty much destroys us. I’m loving what you’re doing lately. I’ve been cooking a lot lately for my blog, my cookbook, and my new subscription service…so that’s pretty much all I’ve been doing lately, except when I play with my son <3
Hi there from NB Canada, I definitely understand the curling up and trying to stay warm thing, Winter has been quite brutal so far this year. Lately I have been watching a disgusting amount of TV, I’ve been cooking lots of chicken dishes & reading the Jack Reacher series.
I’m watching Parks and Rec, too! Happy January!
It’s nice to know that you make an effort to make homecooked meals. I love Swiss Miss, it’s perfect for the winter! I think you’re making me crave for fries too!
Carol Cassara recently posted…Joyless eating
You have some great things in this post. I would love to have some hot chocolate while watching Parks and Recreation.
A hot cup of Swiss Miss hot choco and a nice bucket of fries goes well together. I know because I just had that yesterday!
Quite a lot of things happening for you in Jan. Always find Jan to be an exciting month as it marks the beginning of a fresh new year. Working out on travel plans for the new year.
I introduced my kids to swiss miss this year and they loved it. I’m also always craving french fries.
Oh yes, sometimes being curled up on a couch with a great book feels like an awesome activity. I’d love to be there too! Wow. There’s so much happening in January. Love your veggies and ever ready to share a craving for french fries.
Oh man I feel you on the cold weather! It’s been below freezing here! We’ve been drinking a lot of hot cocoa and doing fires in our fireplace!
I’m diffusing the same! Smart gals we are, huh?! 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE Parks & Rec!!! So funny! And that book sounds super interesting! Gonna check it out!
Tiffany VanSickle recently posted…What’s Up Wednesday – January 11
I love cooking Sweet Potatoes and also Scouse.,..its a great winter dish here in Liverpool…Those chips look tasty 🙂
Feel free to ask any blogging and SEO related Qns, I have been blogging since 2013 but I invested heavily at the start so I have access to some of the best blogging training and mentors in our Industry! 🙂
Great plan! I also do all of this things you mentioned in one or couple days!
I don’t miss the snow since moving back home from Minnesota to Florida. As far as january lately – I’ve been cooking more comfort food and craving almonds.
Alicia recently posted…January Holiday Giveaway – $100 Amazon/Paypal
That’s a cute little series, I love how you put it together. Seeing the hot chocolate makes me want to get my cup, and I too have been craving fries lately.
Yessss, hot chocolate and books! Some of my favourite things! I’ve been looking for more books to read, so I might have to add this one to my list! It looks pretty good to me 🙂 I might have done a quick research on Google and Goodreads 🙂
Omg your food looks so good! This post is such a cute idea! A good post to get to know people and catch up! Love it!
Parks and Rec is my jam. We don’t have snow days in my part of Texas….occasionally we get icy mornings where we start late. LOL I want to read 10% happier. It’s on my list. I just read The Big Leap and it changed my life.
Dia All The Things I Do recently posted…6 Tips For Saying No When You Don’t Like Letting People Down