Good morning, good morning.
It’s another beautiful day over here in Chicago.
I’ve been picking Ishu up right after his nap time at school. So we can go to the park and maximize the outside time.
Yesterday, the three of us went and got ice cream cones at Ghiradelli and then scooted our way – via riverwalk – to the park. And then, after 3 hours outside, we went back home and Ishu had his second swimming lesson of his little 3-year old life.
Needless to say, he was tired.
Fortunately, the lessons are a half hour long and he participated the best he could. But, maybe next time he’s got swimming, we can have a little down time at home first. Ha.
The first lesson was great.
We fully anticipated having to get in the water with him. But he jumped into his swim instructor’s arms and got started right away. Blowing bubbles, kicking his feet, learning the ice cream scoops.
And, at the end of both lessons, he so sweetly asked his instructor if he could splash her with his super soaker. And she so kindly accepted his offer and got back in the pool both times.
We’re looking forward to seeing his growth in the pool! We just want him to be comfortable and learn how to tread water and stay afloat. That’s mama’s priority for now, at least.
Hope you are all having a good week! I’m itching to get outside today and not be cooped up working on reports at my desk. So I’m going to go figure out where my work day will take me.
Have a good one!
Our baby sure is growing into a Big Boy. Go Ishu. He will be our lil swimmer very soooon