Well, we did the unthinkable.
We cut Ishu’s hair.
It wasn’t the first time, I guess.
At some point last year, his bangs were falling all the way down past his nose, so we did a quick snip-snip back then. And then he ended up looking like Lurch from The Addams Family.
But this time, we – and by “we,” I mean “Ankur” – were methodical about the snipping.
We opened up Baby Shark on YouTube and Ankur went to work. He scooped up all of Ishu’s hair in a high ponytail and started to snip away. Leaving his long curls in the back intact. But trimming his bangs so his hair is out of his face.
Ishu was focused on Baby Shark for a while until his hair came falling down onto his thighs. Then he looked at his hair, looked up at us, and said, “Oh nooooooooo.”
Hahaha. Cutest.
I was a tiny bit heartbroken that I can’t put his hair up in a cute ponytail.
But hair grows back.
And now Ishu can stop pawing at his ears like Rosie does. Because his hair was tickling his face and ears a lot.
(Speaking of Rosie and Ishu being similar, did you see yesterday’s Facebook post about our two obedient pups? Ha!).
After his haircut and his nap, we took the two little puppies out for a short walk to the park and the trail behind the house.
Ishu was beyond ecstatic to see so many kids at the park playing with all the different balls. Soccer balls, basketballs, footballs.
Balls are his fav.
And then he went “nun, nun, nunning” (run, run, running) on the trail until we reached home.
He spotted a basketball at the neighbors house and Ankur met us outside to shoot a few hoops before going back inside.
A few months ago, Ankur taught Ishu to shout, “Kobe!” every time he throws the ball up in the air.
Except when Ishu says it, it sounds like “boobie” and it makes me laugh every time.
I have all the feelings watching this little boy grow up. I want to pause time. And I also remind myself that every stage has been more exciting and more fun than the one before it. Every stage of parenting is probably a special one.
And I just have to allow myself to enjoy and embrace whatever phase we are in right now.
Because time. is. flying. And to quote Amy Poehler, “You CAN control time. You can stop it or stretch it or loop it around. You can travel back & forth by living in the moment & paying attention.
So, I gotta do more of that.
Pay attention.
He’s growing so fast.
Pay attention.
Adorable stories! And you’re giving yourself good advice. Each stage has special appeal and they pass by so quickly. Enjoy.
“oh noooo” – that’s adorable. I think writing these posts really shows that you’re trying to be in the moment and remember all the little things. I love it.
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