A few months ago, we showed Ishu how our voice echos in parking lots and tunnels.
Which now leads to our child shouting “ECHO!” in quiet, contained spaces.
Including our hallway.
Sometimes he’ll open up the front door a crack (because it’s locked with the latch up top) and shout “Echo!” to hear his voice…well…echo.
Currently trying to teach him why it’s not OK to do that in our hallway. Especially at 5am, ha. But every time he does it when we’re outside, I giggle. Because he really gets it. Like a little, smart human being.
Sometimes people will walk past us and my child will yell “echo!” and I’m sure they’re rolling their eyes, wondering why-the-heck this mom won’t get their kid to quiet down.
Because the fact of the matter is I love it.
I’m one of those annoying people that looks at their kid doing something cute and imagines everyone is looking at him with the same awe that I do.
That’s probably not the case.
(Especially not in the hallways at 5am, I KNOW that).
But sometimes when there are other people in the parking lot and Ishu calls out “Echo,” I look at them and imagine that they’re just as enthusiastic about his little science experiment.
And, well, if they’re not, oh well.
Because he’s gonna echo his way through the town anyways.
Sandy says
Love this Echo Baby!!.
He is such a brilliant baby.
Just soaks in all what his mama has to teach him.
Keep this mom-baby team going DivPiv.