We’ve got a two-year old.
I don’t know how this happened. I don’t understand how I am a mother of a two-year old.
But here we are.
Two years of broken sleep.
Two years of frizzy mom hair, the same 5 outfits on rotation, and a bed (crib for that first year) piled high with laundry that never got around to being folded.
I don’t understand how it’s felt like both “a blink of an eye” and a lifetime all at the same time.
All I know is that at 3:14am (1:14am PST), my little boy turned exactly two years old.
When you ask him to show you how old he is, he spreads out his fingers real wide, trying to figure out how to bend a couple of them.
Imagine that. Feeling like you’re the boss of the house, but unable to control your little fingers.
The life of a toddler.
My toddler.
My sweet little two-year old.
I thought I’d have an endless amount of things to share, stories to type up, pictures to upload. But all I want to do is climb back into bed and snuggle him.
Last night, before falling asleep, Ankur asked Ishu what he wanted for his birthday. And he looked over at him and said, “candle.”
So, today, we’ll celebrate with all the things he loves. A trip to the museum, a ride on his scooter, a candle to blow out, and a blue cake pop.
Two years ago, our lives became a heck of a lot harder.
But, now, I can’t imagine a world without him.
Awwww beautiful beautiful boy. Happy happy 2nd to you. And love to read all of the posts your mom writes that give me insight into the sweet young man you are becoming. Hope you enjoy the cake pop and celebration!
Our lil munchkin has turned two. 🙏😊
Terrible Two like they say.
But there is nothing terrible about our cutie!!
You & Ankur have raised a kind & sweet lil boy.
Feel blessed to watch him.grow. .
Our obedient brilliant little Ishu.
May he always be blessed by health happiness & joy in life. 🙏😊