Good morning!
After a weekend of pizza, burritos, and wine, I still somehow managed to lose half a pound on the scale. This is why I love Weight Watchers. I’m not forced to give up the things I love. And, even though I’m not shedding 2-3 pounds every week, I’m doing it at a rate that works for me, is consistent, and allows me to indulge in all the things that make me happy.
Earlier this week, I was listening to an episode on This American Life called, “Tell Me I’m Fat.” It got me thinking about my own journey with my body and mind over the last 20+ years of my life. And it made me realize how much has changed in terms of my openness around my weight.
I used to tip-toe around my weight. As if not discussing it with the people around me would make it not real.
I thought that if we avoided discussing the elephant in the room (literally and figuratively!), the “elephant” wouldn’t actually exist.
I remember signing up for personal training classes at my gym when I was 15 or 16. I was mortified every time I saw somebody I knew for fear that they would judge me for being fat.
I remember standing in line for lunch in the dining hall in college – sweat dripping down my back – worried about what people would think of the fat girl ordering french fries.
I remember wearing sweatshirts and long pants in the summer even though I was burning up on the inside. In my mind, I was hiding the fat. If the fat was covered up, we couldn’t talk about it. We could just pretend it didn’t exist.
Fast forward to now.
I don’t know what’s triggered the change. Maybe age? Maybe maturity? But the fat girl doesn’t want to sweep the fat under the rug anymore.
I think that after years and years of pretending it wasn’t there, I am at a point where I can comfortably talk about it. Where I want to talk about it. Where I’m secure enough to say, “I’m fat.” I’ve embraced it. This isn’t to say that I am not constantly striving to be better and healthier than I was yesterday. But I can openly say, “I’m fat.” You don’t need to comfort me and tell me that I’m not. Because that’d be lying. You don’t need to tell me I’m beautiful. Because I already know that. And you don’t need to spew off health statistics about my health and my body. Because I already know them. I’m fat. And my body is OK.
I am working toward a healthier me every day.
And it’s much easier to do that when I don’t have to hide myself from the world.
You go girl!
So much wisdom here!
Love this! Body shaming is so not acceptable.
Claudette Esterine recently posted…Insignificant Things You Should Be Grateful For
i LOVE THIS! and that This American Life episode totally stuck with me too. it made me think of “fat” in a whole new way.
Miss you and your BEAUTIFUL self! xxoo
It’s great that you are embracing and loving yourself just the way you are. This is something I need to really work on. After having my 4th baby, I am a larger size than I was a year ago and I’m not very happy with my size. I would like to be like you and embrace the way I look and love myself just the way I am. Really great post!
Loved reading this blog my dear Divya. You are beautiful both inside and outside.
Eat everything you enjoy, but have it in smaller portions. Fill yourself with greens and veggies.
Love you.
Your Papa
Loving yourself for the way you are is such a difficult thing to do, I struggle with it daily but you are super inspiring!!!
Even though I’ve never considered myself fat, I always had other insecurities related to my body. I really want to be able to accept myself as I am one day, just like you did recently. Thanks so much for this motivational post!
Yulia recently posted…Easy Labor Day Outfit, or What to Wear This Weekend
yes yes yes…embrace whoever you are (I totally think you are healthy not fat side note!)…eat what you love trying to choose healthier options, move when you can and try to do it daily…then whatever comes out in appearance is HEALTHY no matter the size
Loved the read.. Reminded me of my past. Infact I just started blogging about my recipes.. I used to be 180 pounds and not fit. I am not thin but very comfortable in my skin.
Would love to get some feedback from you on my blog. You go girl.
I am from California as well girl!
Pubali recently posted…Day 12 – Eggplant Brushetta With Brussel Sprouts And Corn On The Cob
[ Smiles ] God made people of various sizes. It is always a good idea to be proud of who you are!
I hear you loud and clear! Wonderful post. Stay encouraged!
I think it’s great that you accept yourself for what you are without worrying about what other people think. But judging from your photos, I definitely don’t think you are fat. You look healthy!
A thought provoking post, this. I stood on the scales this morning to find out I’ve put on 10 lbs in the last 3 months. I’m not happy with this, but I look fine. I need to be ok in my own skin, but it’s not easy.
Elizabeth recently posted…Sailing on the Swan
Seriously body weight would be easier to handle,if there was less pressure.It’s good that you are working at getting healthier.That’s my goal too.I want to be stronger and fitter.So I don’t just diet,I lift weights to grow healthy.
Dr.Amrita Basu recently posted…Ear Problems:Health Query
What do you do to keep healthy?
And Fit ?
Just asking.I try to eat healthy and workout with little cheat treat s
Dr.Amrita Basu recently posted…Mompreneur biz focus:Mayura Amarkant the soothsayer
As long as you’re happy and healthy, there’s no reason to feel shame! Thanks for being an example for so many women and girls out there ☺️
Hahaha, you sound like me! I have accepted the fact that I’m not gonna be a skinny girl, but that’s cool. As long as I am healthy that’s all that matters.
I say good for you. We all need to accept who we are, recognize our strengths and flaws and embrace them. Everyone has something they can work on!
Thank you for sharing your story and I’m happy to hear you’re feeling more comfortable in your skin! It sounds like you’re taking care of yourself in a really healthy way physically and mentally!
I love your sense of humor. At the end of the day, it’s important to be comfortable in your own skin and it seems like you certainly are.
It’s so awesome to embrace yourself! I know I’m not a stick and never will be. I like to eat. I like who I am. And that’s that.
Amber Myers recently posted…5 Must Have Essentials For Baby With Diapers.Com Coupons
How you live your life shouldn’t be anyone’s business at least that’s how it’s supposed to be, smaller portions are something everyone suggests and we all love sweets, whether we admit it or not. 🙂
Jelena recently posted…The World Of Coffee I Mini Darivanje
There’s too much emphasis placed on physical appearances and not enough on healthy living. When my family changed our diets two years ago because of my daughter (food intolerances), I was not expecting to lose weight. Our focus was simply to get my daughter better. The weight did come off in time but it was our focus on simply living a healthy lifestyle that was they key 🙂
I am all about self development and self love, which I what I blog mostly about. I cannot stand people who body shame, and I do not like the word FAT. We are all different shapes and sizes, we are all unique human beings. Let’s focus more on character and personality and not too much on the outside. I really love this post, you are a strong woman. Glad you are embracing yourself. If you don’t, nobody else will.
Love your confidence and body shaming is not acceptable.
i’m glad that you found something that you like!
Nice post! It sounds like you’ve found ways to be comfortable with your own skin.
Great piece on loving yourself and embracing the body you were given. I think that everyone needs to develop this acceptance and then happiness will surely follow.
Janine Good recently posted…Antarctica: Why It’s an Ultimate Dream Expedition
Being comfortable in your own skin is an empowering feeling. I think striving for a healthy body is a life long goal and can start at any age. Great job for taking control of your health!
You’ve conquered what many struggle with … self love. If we accept who we are, then the rest falls into place and we can tune out the naysayers…. Good for you! <3
This is so great! I am working on this as well! Im not fat but I still have a baby belly from my two kids and get asked if Im pregnant all the time. But I am learning to be okay with my body. It is hard though
You go girl! There is absolutely no need to be ashamed! You are beautiful, and like you said, you know that! So flaunt it, and enjoy that pizza, burritos and wine! Yum!
I love a good blog post on self acceptance. I appreciate this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
OMg love this!!!!! Nothing better than confidence!!!
No matter what you’ve got to LOVE yourself! Thanks for the honesty. It was beautiful.
Great post! It’s so important to have a healthy relationship with our body.
What a lovely post. A nice reminder that what’s on the inside is always more important than what’s on the outside.
I love that you are working on yourself, while also not being afraid to admit where you are currently at. Good luck on your journey!
I looked at your photo and “fat” was the furthest thing from my mind, but I do know that people see themselves differently than others see them. In my 20s I always thought I was overweight, and now after having my second baby at age 36….my body has….changed (even 2.5 years later as I am 39 now!). I do sometimes look back at old photos and feel sad. I also wish I knew how damn great I looked! BUT most importantly, I spend most of the time ok with the person I am now, both as a reflection in the mirror and the character inside. I have had to learn to dress a body that now carries 20 more lbs differently than my prior 125-lb self, but life is a set of learning experiences, and that’s just another one of them. Best of luck!
Everyone’s gotta find their way to love their body – sounds like you have! Thanks for the positive message.
Rachel – Volcano Mama recently posted…How to Stop Hitting, Biting, Kicking and Throwing: Practical Techniques for Teaching Little Ones How to Handle BIG Feelings
You definitely do not look fat in your photo, but I agree with you. Whatever size you are, you are good! Our value is not determined by the scale or a dress size.
It’s high time that all women love themselves for who they are, not the number on the scales. I have been doing this for quite a while now. It’s time to build up women of all sizes and shapes and make them realize that they are so much more than a size or what other’s happen to say about them.
Olivia Morris recently posted…One of a Kind Made by You Christmas Crafts
Congrats on your new journey. I will be losing weight after I have this baby for the 5th time. It seems each time it gets harder but one thing I have learned is to not pay attention to the number on the scale but rather pay attention to how I feel and how my clothes fit. That is what let’s me know I am on the right track.
Breyona Sharpnack recently posted…Surviving 1st Birthday Parties
Oh my gosh, I LOVE THIS POST. Seriously. 100%.
Author Brandi Kennedy recently posted…Sunday Score: Misfit Flash Review And Giveaway
It is so important to learn to love yourself! You go girl!!
You’re an inspiration to women around the world! Love comes in all types of shapes and sizes
Sam recently posted…Birdie = Relief
Love this message – Every woman is beautiful !!!