First of all, thank you to those of you who took the time to comment, message, and reach out to me with suggestions on how to be a better resolution-keeper. That feeling of support and “I’ve been there too. This can help you get past it” really does make a world of difference.
Reading the comments and talking to family/friends reminded me of some valuable advice that my master teacher gave me last year. “If something annoys you, eliminate it.” Of course, she was talking about events that occur in the classroom. She hated the sound of pencils being sharpened in the middle of the class, so she got rid of the pencil sharpener and put out two cups: Dull and Sharpened. Students could then swap out a run-down pencil with a sharpened one. Problem solved.
But all your suggestions got me thinking – that advice applies to my everyday life too. Clearly, I can’t commit. Because I over-commit. I want to do ALL THE THINGS. But y’know what? I can’t. Things aren’t getting done and the reason is that I am overwhelmed and not sure where to begin. Solution? Stop over-committing. Maybe life really is just that simple.
Moral of the story: Life is simple. Don’t over think it. Don’t over plan it. But still make a plan. And reach out for help when you need it – cause there are loads of people that have been in your shoes and are willing to help you out.
I love the idea of eliminating things that annoy you. I need to come up with ideas to help keep my life less annoying, in all areas. Time to keep life simple!