Like most people who struggle with weight issues, I have a really difficult time tuning into my body. I can’t always identify when I’m full. I don’t know whether I’m feeling tired or sleepy or genuinely hungry. My body and mind aren’t always in sync because I’ve spent so much of my life eating mindlessly or not getting enough activity. When I started gaining weight at a young age, I tried to solve the issue by denying myself food when I actually needed it or I would push myself too hard at the gym (which was neither sustainable nor a healthy approach to exercise).
I’m always amazed by people who can live a healthy lifestyle with little to no effort. The people who push away their plates when they’ve eaten enough. The people who don’t count every single morsel of food that goes into their body and just eat when it feels right for them.
I, on the other hand, need to consciously create balance and moderation in my life. It doesn’t come naturally to me anymore. Fortunately, my heart rate monitor has helped me get back in touch with my body’s signals. Receiving the input from my heart rate monitor has been a helpful, visual way for me to know whether I’ve got more gas in my tank or whether I’m overdoing it. By providing accurate, in-the-moment heart rate data, the monitor helps me pace myself throughout my workout.
Being Intentional with a Heart Rate Monitor
Here’s how it works. I wear a strap – with a transmitter – underneath my sports bra. Once I start my workout and click, “Start,” on my watch, the transmitter sends the electric signals from my heart beat to my watch. Then, based on an algorithm that takes my age, height, and weight into account, the watch will display the number of calories I am burning during the workout.
You can change the menu on the screen to display what you want to see during the workout. For me, I like to be able to see where my heart rate falls in my “Target Heart Rate Zone.” That way, I know whether I need to amp it up a little bit or whether it’s okay to slow down or stop for a few seconds.
Since I’ve started using my heart rate monitor again, I’ve made three key observations about my workouts.
1) Weight training elevates my heart rate more than I thought it would.
It also makes my time on the cardio machine a lot more effective because I tend to reach my “Target Heart Rate Zone” within a minute of working out. (And it keeps it in the zone even when I’m moving at a slower pace than my cardio-only days).
2) I need to stop comparing myself to 23-year old Divya.
When I was 23, I dominated the Stairmaster, stepping my way up to Level 10 for 20-30 minutes. Now, I can barely do a Level 5 for 10 minutes without panting and pushing “Pause” a couple times along the way. I used to think this was a sign that I wasn’t working out hard enough. Because I couldn’t do what I used to do. But, my heart rate monitor very clearly displays that, even though I’m working at a Level 5, I’m getting in a solid workout.
3) When you work out mindfully and with intention, you burn more calories.
People have always taught me that there are weight loss benefits to mindfulness, but I never truly understood that until I experimented a little in the gym. Walking on the treadmill while listening to a podcast at a 4.0 speed and a 2.0 incline will keep me between 130-140BPM. But, when I’m being mindful about every single step I take on the treadmill, being conscious of my foot hitting the belt over and over again, my heart rate lands at around 140-150BPM. I started playing around with other exercises in the gym. The weights, crunches, different cardio machines. Time and time again, I noticed that when I put 100% of my attention and focus on whatever activity I was doing, I had a higher heart rate which, in turn, helped me burn more calories.
Questions of the Day:
- Do you use a heart rate monitor?
- What exercise elevates your heart rate almost immediately?
(For me, it’s burpees!)
YESS to the burpees and the climbing of the mountains 🙂
you also have me thinking as Ive assumed I have NO NO NO NEED for a hear rate monitor.
Ive been sent so many for free and given then away!
Now Im regretting….
carla recently posted…I dont believe in digital fasts.
Well, I’ve always viewed you as someone who relies heavily on their intuition. (That’s hard for me! I think that’s why all these digital things help me. Because they’re re-building basic, fundamental skills that I’ve forgotten how to do because I screwed myself up in my younger years, haha)
I agree with all of the above. My whole way of thinking changed when I started wearing my Fitbit and saw exactly what I was doing to my body.
Never compare yourself to anyone. Really interested in this and think it is a great idea.
candy recently posted…Radishes Fermented
I too struggle with losing weight. It always amazes me that five pounds can make such a huge difference on me! The heart monitor is an interesting concept…maybe I should give it a try!
For sure! There’s some inexpensive ones out there!
oh wow! I have high bp (kidney condition) and I think I need to get one of these. My husband did a heart monitor app on his phone using the touch part on his casing, my heart rate was through the roof and i was resting… which was a little bit terrifying. def considering one of these now. Great post 🙂
Oh interesting! I wonder if you’d benefit from one that records your heart rate all day.
I’ve never used a heart rate monitor, apart from the little information I get from my FitBit. I haven’t really been too worried about it, but that’s awesome it helps you realize which workouts are the best and burn the most calories. And I totally agree about not comparing yourself to your younger self – you’re body is different now.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Final Girls by Mira Grant
Everyone warned me that things would be different when I’m older. I just didn’t know “older” was so soon!
You know, Divya, this is so true–“When you work out mindfully and with intention, you burn more calories” And not only that, your muscles actually work more efficiently. We actually have studies that prove this!
Good for you in being mindful with your workout!
Susan Mary Malone recently posted…When My Worlds Collide
So insightful! I’ve never used a heart rate monitor but want to give it a try! I love your point about mindful and intentional workouts – what a powerful statement. This rings so true to me for running, yoga and workouts!
Yes, I mean, with yoga, you’ve gotta be 100% present. Otherwise you’d just fall over. Literally!
My husband just ordered a new fitbit with the heart rate monitor last week and I can’t wait to see how it works for him. I have a new weights workout that I’m doing. It’s so difficult to not compare myself now to 5 years ago (pre-second child!) I may need to get a HRM to see how I’m doing with my workouts!
Jaime recently posted…Create an herb garden in a tower of containers
I’ve never used a HR monitor. I have a Fitbit but it’s not the one with the heart rate monitor attached. I would be curious to try one though and I bet it would make my workouts much more intentional.
Beth recently posted…What I Wore Wednesday
Just yesterday I attended a discussion about preventing heart disease. Stress and high blood pressure are major contributors to heart disease. When it comes to heart disease an ounce of prevention is truly worth 10 pounds of cure. I like the idea of a heart monitor to keep myself in check!
I love spin best for getting my heart rate up and keeping it up. I taught spin, various strength training classes, water aerobics, barre, and more before I had my baby. I’m taking a break now until I’m done nursing, but an Apple Watch with a heart rate monitor on it is my number one birthday request. I’d love to be able to compare my heart rate in all these different mediums! It’s such potent information, and, like you said, I DO think it is a great motivator because it takes the guess work out. You KNOW exactly how well you did or didn’t do with each work out!
Jeni recently posted…Smoked Salmon and Brie Galettes with Strawberry Lime Jam
I’ve never used a heart rate monitor before but I love the insight it gives in HOW you work out and what works best for your body. Also fascinating re mindfulness and elevated heart rate. My Fitbit might need an accessory friend 🙂
Charlotte recently posted…A letter
I love to go outside for a run before work (I live in the UK and we have to make the most of the good weather while it’s here!), but it’s so for it become a gentle stroll. I’ve found that alternating sprinting and walking provides me with a happy medium and really gets my blood pumping!
I loved the heart rate function on the band I used to wear. I should get that back out and charge it up for summer because it does keep motivated.
This is really interesting. I’ve never used a heart monitor, but reading this makes me curious about what my heart rate is working out. I don’t work out much, and I know I need to get my heart rate up more!
Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries recently posted…5 Songs that Remind Me of Summers by the Pool | Becky Mollenkamp
Wearing a heartrate monitor is a great way to be more intentional. At the gym I just rely on the treadmill and bicycle rates reported, but know they are not accurate. Two machines that are the same can say completely different things.
Linda Luke recently posted…How to Have a Great Relationship
You’ve inspired me to workout today! I’m interested in seeing how I go with a heart rate monitor.
And I really need to burn off those cookies I ate all day yesterday!
I use a FitBit and I love that I can see my heart rate and the changes in it month to month. This is so informative!
I love using my heart rate monitor! It also motivates me to get up and moving more.
i’ve never heard a better reason for using a heart rate monitor. so glad it’s helped you tune in and connect with your body to keep you on track with your health goals. keep up the great work!
So interesting to hear about your experience! I decided to invest in an Apple Watch rather than an entry-level Fitbit earlier this year after one too many conversations with my doctor about my elevated heart rate. What I wasn’t expecting is that it would help me to tune in to the physiological symptoms of my anxiety for the first time – and would encourage me to get out and get walking more often, since it counts my steps, too! While tapping into their physiological processes like this could make some people more anxious, for me, it’s helped me to tune in better to what my body needs rather than just always focusing on my thoughts.
Robin recently posted…Exploring San Francisco: Haight-Ashbury & Mission District
I’ve not used a heart rate monitor but I am a very visual person and know it would help. I think in some way I have been avoiding using one because I know I’m not doing what I could be doing. It’s amazing how things like this can hold us accountable.
Sheryl recently posted…Today You Get To…………
Comparing your 30-year-old self to your 20-year-old self is never a good idea ha. I’m glad the heart rate monitor is working so well for you!
Rose recently posted…How to Maximize the Potential of Your Kit Lens
This is really interesting and certainly something I would like to use. I have high blood pressure so am often worried about my heart when I do a workout or even just running around with kids!
Brandy recently posted…Things I wish I had Taught my Daughter
That’s awesome! I’ve never used a heart-rate monitor before, but my sister-in-law uses one when we go walking together, and it is really interesting to see the results!
Dominique recently posted…How to Get Your Child Interested in Reading from a Young Age
I’m sure I could use one of these two. Couldn’t we all? I just worry that I would be to abscess of compulsive about it.
I never thought that I can use heart rate monitor when I work out. But as you said balance is important so I might consider buying one.
I am not one of those people who is in tuned to my body either. I have been trying to make more of an effort to drink more water. I think it’s so interesting about the monitor, but it makes totally sense!
Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy recently posted…Easy Build Your Own Waffle Bar
My husband, who had a valve replaced in his heart, checks his heart rate all the time. He used to do it for our sick dog.
I love having a heart rate monitor on my FitBit and I find myself constantly looking at how hard I’m working out and improving my walking pace to get my heart rate up. Timing how long I can work out at a higher intensity and so on. Yes, I’m a little obsessed! 🙂 Thanks for sharing <3
I’m happy to hear you’re able to use a heart rate monitor in such a mindful way. I’ve had obessive exercise mindset in the past and used a heart rate monitor to track all the wrong things and became very number focused. I’m hoping to be able to try and use it again in a more mindful way.