Oh, hey. I’m just a mom who woke up at 1am because she fell asleep with her child at 8pm.
I feel fine now, but I will def be exhausted this evening. I foresee an early bedtime tonight. And so the cycle continues.
Ankur’s having to go in real early these next two months so maybe it’s not such a bad thing if we all call it quits early each evening. Ishu does better when we all fall asleep together. Win win win.
This morning, we are going on a tour of a potential school for Ishu. Ironic that it’s on our Belliversary. Yes, yes. Happy Belliversary, everyone. It’s been exactly one year since Bella entered our lives. I knew she was something special then, but had no idea how lucky our family was. How much she’d add to our lives.
It’s hard to believe we’ve only known her for one year. She has been the best thing for our sweet Ishu and our family and I feel beyond lucky that we found each other.
Unfortunately for all of us, Bella’s schedule this semester is pretty packed. But we’ve been wanting to get Ishu into some type of more formal, structured school. And this felt like a good opportunity. It’s a little sooner than we thought initially, but something has shifted with this kid over the past two weeks. And he is able to communicate pretty clearly about events that happened in his day. He can answer questions about things I bring up. And that is essentially what I was holding off for. (That and our love for Auntie Bella!). I wanted to wait to do something like daycare until I knew he truly understood what was happening and could convey things to me that didn’t feel right.
And here we are.
We are going to take a tour this morning and then Auntie Bella will come over today and tomorrow. And, after that, he may start school?!
It feels a little emotional to me.
At the same time, it was never just a “babysitting” thing for us. Auntie Bella is now our family for life. She will be part of our family even when she leaves Chicago. She will be a part of our family when Ishu graduates from high school.
So, wish us luck as we embark on this new transition. I’m going to be feeling all the feels for sure. 2.5 years at home with his family. And now here we go!
Happy Belliversary to us! We’ll be celebrating with cupcakes this afternoon!
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